
Showing posts from August, 2024

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Calculus Refresher for AI/ML?

Ask HN: Calculus Refresher for AI/ML? 2 by fnord77 | 1 comments on Hacker News. From what I gather, much of AI is gradient descent, which appear to be matrices of PDEs. I took calculus/linear algebra/PDEs decades ago, but remember little of it. Are there any resources for relearning the parts useful for AI in an efficient manner?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Which programming language can I learn on my Termux-enabled Android tab?

Ask HN: Which programming language can I learn on my Termux-enabled Android tab? 3 by FerretFred | 1 comments on Hacker News. My new Lenovo M8 Android 14 tablet seems to run Termux just fine, so I'd like to spend some idle time learning a programming language - ideally one that doesn't need gigabytes of libraries to work. IDE of choice will be vi. Not trying to run the Evil Empire - just do some basic text handling/parsing and file I/O. I'm from a Perl background :) TIA

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: To do or not to do – providing passport number for domain name?

Ask HN: To do or not to do – providing passport number for domain name? 2 by another_1 | 1 comments on Hacker News. Hello all! Long time lurker, first time poster. I would like to copy Naval Ravikant's website domain name (, because my first name also ends with "al". However, in order to buy the Albanian domain name (.al) from, the "domain authority requires that you provide additional information about the owner of the domain: Passport Number or Personal ID". I am in the US and have never had to do this for work or personal domains I purchased from Google Domains, so I am uncomfortable with providing my passport number. Has anyone done this before? Can someone provide context to this situation, so I can better understand the verification request? Thanks!

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Aware of crypto since 2014 but never invested

Ask HN: Aware of crypto since 2014 but never invested 2 by raxrb | 1 comments on Hacker News. I feel so dumb that I did not make any money in crypto. I've been aware of crypto since 2014, and I used to hang out in the forums of Bitcoin. I know a few people in my area who are not into tech. They have no idea about the technology and are not very updated in tech, yet they invested in crypto and made some money. Sometimes I feel that all this education reduces my risk-taking. I don't trust new things or people easily.

New ask Hacker News story: Bypass Paywall Reader, A website to bypass paywalls on articles to read for free

Bypass Paywall Reader, A website to bypass paywalls on articles to read for free 2 by thesaasdev | 0 comments on Hacker News. Bypass Paywall Reader, A website to bypass paywalls on articles to read for free by checking the link and scanning to see where it is available for free.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What's your favourite startup that didn't work out?

Ask HN: What's your favourite startup that didn't work out? 2 by ohong | 3 comments on Hacker News. With more startups winding down lately [1], I was wondering: What are some of your favourite startups that unfortunately didn't work out? Whether your involvement was as a builder, user, or just a fan of their mission. Bonus points if the founder has written a thoughtful retrospective / post mortem that documents the decision and explains why their idea was ultimately not viable as a business. [1] From Carta: Startup shutdowns up 58% in Q1 2024 compared to last year

New ask Hacker News story: Brazil to Ban X from the Country

Brazil to Ban X from the Country 6 by lelo_tp | 2 comments on Hacker News. Our lovely minister is seriously banning X from the country, and imposing a fine of ~8.5K USD / day for any person that access X through a VPN. Apparently they're also removing the most popular VPN apps from the AppStore. This is insane. What a freaking shot at democracy

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Strategies for local backups of cloud data?

Ask HN: Strategies for local backups of cloud data? 3 by plg | 0 comments on Hacker News. I use Dropbox and I use Apple's various iCloud storage things (Documents, Desktop, Photos, etc). I believe it's probably true that these companies can do a better job of maintaining my data over the long term, than me, buying HDDs and replacing them before they fail, etc etc etc. but What I'm actually afraid of is some screw-up that ends up preventing me from accessing my cloud data. For example a billing screwup. Or a scan-for-prohibited-materials gone wrong. Or a login screwup. Or a straight-up attack from a bad actor. Or simply an infrastructure oops. Presently I have one machine under my control that I have set so that Dropbox stores all data locally also, and I have tried to do the same with Apple iCloud (though I'm never sure with Apple what is actually happening) ... and then I run a cron job to backup those folders to a NAS onsite. But I really like the idea of 100% of m

New ask Hacker News story: Free Local Text to Speech?

Free Local Text to Speech? 2 by daly | 0 comments on Hacker News. It seems very odd that so many complex LLM features like image generation are available and run locally but I can't find one that will do text-to-speech. I need local because the end-user does not have regular web connectivity. The idea case is reading PDFs during plane flights. Even Dragon Systems (anyone remember "Barnburner One..."?) now is cloud connected.

New ask Hacker News story: Airbnb banned me – how a ML model can misfire?

Airbnb banned me – how a ML model can misfire? 17 by baybayblonde | 2 comments on Hacker News. I've been a power user of Airbnb—wearing the hats of host, photographer, and traveler. Recently, I was banned without explanation, likely due to a misfire from their ML model. No chance for appeal, either. This experience has taught me two key lessons: The unregulated power of major tech giants is alarming. Getting banned from platforms like Airbnb, Google, Amazon, Facebook, or Instagram can really impact your life. These platforms are like digital fiefdoms, where they act as both judge and jury, with the authority to banish anyone without offering a reason. Never put all your digital eggs in one basket. While I wasn't as active on Airbnb in recent years, so the fallout isn't too bad, a few years back, this would have been a big pay-cut. Below, you'll find the full story in case you're curious about the details—or if you're an Airbnb employee who can help troublesho

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What is the state of nanoscale 3D printing going into 2025?

Ask HN: What is the state of nanoscale 3D printing going into 2025? 2 by r0bin_dood | 0 comments on Hacker News. I stumbled upon this article from 2022 while surfing the web and wondered what the state of nanoscale 3D printing is going into 2025. Now, it isn't a really meaty article, but it made me think, how would life change if we had a big breakthrough in nanoscale printing technology? At the molecular scale, and not just of plastics and metals, but other materials as well, say, carbon.

New ask Hacker News story: How to process 100gb tsv and XML files?

How to process 100gb tsv and XML files? 2 by anindha | 1 comments on Hacker News. I am trying to parse a music data file that is close to 100gb. What app or programming language is best for handling a file like this? Thanks!

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Did Twilio Abandon SendGrid?

Ask HN: Did Twilio Abandon SendGrid? 5 by leros | 0 comments on Hacker News. I've been using SendGrid for many years and it's always been a reliable solution. It still seems to be work just fine, but it feels abandoned. Somewhere around a year ago, they put all old accounts under review with no communication about it. There is a help article about it that says to contact customer service, but their customer service site is broken. For me at least, it has two different headers at the top of the page. One header shows me logged in and one shows me logged out. The button to contact customer service is disabled because I'm "logged out", but logging in via the "Sign out" link in the header that shows I'm logged out takes me back to the page in the same state. I've tried several ways to reach customer service to no avail. I've been reading around and it seems like other people are having the same experience. Did Twilio just abandon SendGrid? I a

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How does your team keep informal documentation?

Ask HN: How does your team keep informal documentation? 3 by ravenstine | 1 comments on Hacker News. My engineering team has been spending the day discussing how we want to improve our practices moving forward. A point that I brought up was that we could benefit from keeping what I refer to as "informal documentation" that is internal to our team (not org-wide), which I imagine as being just a place to share information that could be beneficial for the rest of the team. The reason I emphasize informality is that I've rarely seen more formal documentation work well at any company I've been at. Usually what happens is documentation is gatekeeped and the platform used is crummy. If I want to write an article on something I think is important, I should just be able to do it. For instance, if an engineer works on a project and develops some patterns or APIs they have a lot of knowledge about, they could write that information down for other developers in the future. My

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Who's building an AI-free product?

Ask HN: Who's building an AI-free product? 3 by leonagano | 1 comments on Hacker News. Share your product below

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Fastest Async Front-End?

Ask HN: Fastest Async Front-End? 3 by sirspacey | 4 comments on Hacker News. I'm looking to build a front-end for task management with real-time AI agent help I'm curious what I should use for the fastest response experience (<300ms response time for loading data from Postgres/APIs). - Language - Framework Snarky responses with detailed opinion welcome

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Developer PC setup automations for company owned devices

Ask HN: Developer PC setup automations for company owned devices 2 by foxylion | 2 comments on Hacker News. Hi, we are currently discussing within our company if the current state of developer PC setup is okay ore should be improved. Current state: - Laptop with either Linux, Windows or MacOS pre-installed and integrated in Microsoft AD is provided. - The developer needs to install software, CLI tools, Git configuration and so on by following guides in our documentation. - Docs are frequently updated to reflect latest changes within the tooling (new version of software, different commands, ...). - Setup time is roughly a day for less experienced developers. Now some people ask for an automation to get a "pre-installed" laptop that only needs some sign-in credentials to get started. I'm sceptical that this does work without huge efforts, developers preferences might interfer a lot with the auomations. Especially for the upgrade case when updates happen. Is there any oth

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Writing a Shell in Go, Advice

Ask HN: Writing a Shell in Go, Advice 2 by hello_computer | 1 comments on Hacker News. I like Go, and I'm thinking about writing a shell in it, but I'm not sure how well Go's runtime will play with fork and exec (probably not well). Any advice?

New ask Hacker News story: Why Is Stack Overflow Fading Away? Any Thoughts from the Community?

Why Is Stack Overflow Fading Away? Any Thoughts from the Community? 4 by cryptography | 5 comments on Hacker News. Stack Overflow has been a cornerstone of developer communities for years, but recently, it seems to be losing its prominence. I’m curious about your thoughts on why this might be happening and what the future holds for this platform. Is it just AI or there're specific issues contributing to its decline?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What desktop apps are you working on?

Ask HN: What desktop apps are you working on? 2 by heavyset_go | 0 comments on Hacker News. I love the "What are you working on" threads here on HN. I noticed that web apps make up the majority of software projects people are working on. This "Ask HN" is a little different, it's an opportunity to show off the desktop software projects you're working on. So HN, what desktop apps are you developing? What tech are you using? What did you get right and what would you do differently?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Browser-UI with multi-LLM for the team?

Ask HN: Browser-UI with multi-LLM for the team? 2 by tobwen | 1 comments on Hacker News. I'm looking to provide our 4-person team access to various LLMs, including OpenAI, Anthropic, Meta's Llama, and some others. I want to have browser-based UI (like ChatGPT) to upload files, get Markdown-reponses and have price control to avoid unexpected high costs at the end of the month. My current plan is to purchase API keys from different LLM providers and use LiteLLM as a proxy to setup cost limits OR to use (potentially still using LiteLLM). LibreChat currently doesn't support "passing through" uploads, but this feature is expected to be implemented this week: My Questions: 1. Is my approach using LiteLLM or OpenRouter with a UI a viable solution? I believe this could be more cost-effective than purchasing monthly chat accounts for each of the four users. 2. Are there other UIs similar to ChatGPT and Anthropic's interfaces, for

New ask Hacker News story: What should I do when someone blatantly copy my open-source project on GitHub?

What should I do when someone blatantly copy my open-source project on GitHub? 5 by edwinkys | 9 comments on Hacker News. Hi HN, I created an open-source vector database a couple months back called OasysDB. It's not a popular project but it serve a specific use case and has a small community behind it. So, recently, someone in the community sent a link to me about a repository that after digging deeper into it seems like a blatant copy of OasysDB v0.4 (It's now v0.7). They changed all of the initial branding and information to their own branding like name, author, email, etc. This is their repository: This is OasysDB v0.4: I honestly don't know what to do. I know that OasysDB is open-source and thus, free to modify and redistribute. But, I feel like this is more like a plagiarism and a bit unethical to do. If anyone got similar experience, I'd like to hear some advice. Thank you in advance.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What's your secret sauce for maintaining product quality?

Ask HN: What's your secret sauce for maintaining product quality? 2 by mrosenfield | 2 comments on Hacker News. Curious, what strategies have you taken to improve product quality and catch bugs faster? Better QA? More customer support reps? Verbose logging?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What is a simple CMS for personal blog / static website

Ask HN: What is a simple CMS for personal blog / static website 4 by albert_e | 3 comments on Hacker News. I host a personal blog as Static website on Amazon S3 -- really small one -- I suspect I may be the only one who reads it :) I used plain Hugo on my local desktop initially to build and publish. Once it got tedious I switched to Netlify (free version, before the rebrand) with github integration to do the builds and deployments. Netlify CMS is barely useable -- with not even an option to "save as draft"! There is no great way to origanize / re-organize the content, cross-link posts, embed youtube videos, etc. Writing a blog post there is a chore - and formatting it is painful. So I mostly avoid it unless I have a LOT of free time. It is 2024 and I was hoping there are simple self-hosted solutions / free-tier managed services that can support a simple website. Something were I can use a VS Code or Obsidian or Notion like interface to quickly author long text, freely pla

New ask Hacker News story: GPT-4o vs. Claude 3.5 Sonnet for coding

GPT-4o vs. Claude 3.5 Sonnet for coding 3 by bpiroman | 2 comments on Hacker News. What's everyone's thoughts on GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet for your coding productivity? Do you prefer one over the other?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Which movies did you watch multiple times?

Ask HN: Which movies did you watch multiple times? 22 by manx | 61 comments on Hacker News. I think that could be a good measure for great movies.

New ask Hacker News story: What is the modern equivalent of Google Groups?

What is the modern equivalent of Google Groups? 2 by legohorizons | 2 comments on Hacker News. hey everyone, been thinking a lot about where all the good convos are happening these days. like, im pretty young and grew up on reddit/twitter for programming stuff, but now im tryna do more serious work and cant find the right spots for it?? watched that node documentary recently ( and was surprised to see familiar faces like @Rauch on early node google groups. now twitter is just ai and teens and getting annoying. saw this article about mailing lists ( and got me thinking. seems like all the good ideas are stuck in these walled gardens now - mastodon, twitter, github discussions, farcaster channels, etc. not only is it politically siloed, but places like discord/slack are just totally underindexed. what happened to google groups? do ppl miss it? are there any real open alternatives? whos working on this stuff? where'

New ask Hacker News story: Humble advice for those who want to switch to game development

Humble advice for those who want to switch to game development 4 by modevs | 3 comments on Hacker News. There are a lot of questions and intentions to move into gamedev from developers who are burnt out at their jobs. And that’s okay. From my own experience, I have a couple of pieces of advice that are not very professional. 1. It won’t save you from everything you’re so tired of. Firstly, game development, like other areas, is full of its own nuances and pitfalls. And given that a person gets used to everything, you will soon find yourself in the same position. It’s better to look at game development as a hobby, a distraction from your main job. Moreover, for the first few years you will still not be able to earn enough to support yourself and your family. 2. There are no universal tools. The main question in any field of programming today is which framework and programming language to learn. Here everyone will choose their own - what they can master. But it’s worth noting that in

New ask Hacker News story: Reasons for Recruiters Withholding Key Details on LinkedIn?

Reasons for Recruiters Withholding Key Details on LinkedIn? 2 by Ylmaz | 4 comments on Hacker News. Why do recruiters on LinkedIn contact me without disclosing key details such as the company's name, salary expectations, or specific information about the position?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Imagine a world with 1Tb/s internet. What would change?

Ask HN: Imagine a world with 1Tb/s internet. What would change? 23 by dinobones | 49 comments on Hacker News. For the past ~10 years, it seems like internet speeds here in the US have stagnated. Probably 80% of places I've been to or lived have been 100Mbps-500Mbps. I'm curious what things would look like if the internet was suddenly 1000x faster. Would there be new apps we could build? Would it enable novel use cases?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What if I don't want constant OS upgrades?

Ask HN: What if I don't want constant OS upgrades? 6 by plg | 3 comments on Hacker News. I am getting old (I started coding as a small kid on a Radio Shack TRS-80 pocket computer). I am getting to the point with my Mac computers (Studio Ultra and MacBook Pro) that I dread when OS updates are on the horizon. I know there are new features that maybe could be useful. Maybe. But there are a giant turd of other features that I do not want. The OS slows down, bugs appear, etc etc etc. I guess the solution is to choose a Linux distro and stick with it. I mean I know what I need to use my computers for and what I don’t. The VR thing, avatars, AI, I want no part of it. Call me old fashioned but something I’ve learned over my years is that tech can be very inhuman/inhumane. (it also can be great of course, sometimes) Anyway curious what other people’s thoughts are. I was once one of those kids/adults who would look forward to the latest updates, download and install immediately, etc but I

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How many domain names do you own?

Ask HN: How many domain names do you own? 2 by codingclaws | 2 comments on Hacker News.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Why is Gnome so inceridlby, insanely, bad?

Ask HN: Why is Gnome so inceridlby, insanely, bad? 3 by indulona | 7 comments on Hacker News. I was trying various linux distributions in virtualbox to check out how they look and feel because I might switch from windows 10 in near future and I heard good things about linux recently, especially about games due to Valve's Proton. I really liked Fedora as the primary distro I would go for and I like the look of gnome in it, but i could not figure out how it could have such a horrible user experience in 2024. What am i talking about.. Firstly, there are no min/max icons on the windows. Only close. So you have to sherlock your way through the internet and find out you need a third party extension that will enable this basic functionality, which has been part of any mainstream operating system for decades as absolutely basic standard for window managers and absolutely no person in the world who has ever used a computer would expect NOT to have it available in their operating system.

New ask Hacker News story: Proof of P ≠ NP (2nd attempt)

Proof of P ≠ NP (2nd attempt) 2 by shunyaekam | 0 comments on Hacker News. URL: Second attempt. Apologies for the 1st attempt, didn't check the definitions properly. Looking forward to useful criticism.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How to Avoid Microplastics/PFAS

Ask HN: How to Avoid Microplastics/PFAS 4 by atleastoptimal | 4 comments on Hacker News. I am very paranoid about this stuff but everywhere I read says it's ubiquitous in the environment and there's nothing I can do. Are there actionable steps to realistically reduce my inhalation/consumption of these things by at least 80% that don't involve moving to a farm?

New ask Hacker News story: Tell HN: Coca-Cola staging servers are showing up in search results

Tell HN: Coca-Cola staging servers are showing up in search results 3 by cryptoz | 6 comments on Hacker News. See for example, gives you a top result of which prompts with like an htaccess password

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Would you use an AI that makes calls and sends emails for you?

Ask HN: Would you use an AI that makes calls and sends emails for you? 2 by tikkun | 2 comments on Hacker News. I'm considering building an AI assistant that can handles research tasks by making calls and sending emails. It would be a virtual research assistant available 24/7. Some potential uses: - Call restaurants to confirm they don't use certain ingredients - Contact experts or influencers in various fields - Email vendors of a specific type for product specs - Call vendors to get updated prices and availability - Find 30 leads for customer development for exploring a new market segment Example: "Find 5 restaurants within 10 miles that don't use these oils in their cooking." AI: "Hi, I'm [AI name], an AI assistant for [user name]. I'm researching restaurants that don't use certain oils. Could you please confirm if you use these oils in your cooking? I'm compiling this information for my boss." My experience: I used to have a resear

New ask Hacker News story: Change Data Capture (CDC) Tools should be database specialized not generalized

Change Data Capture (CDC) Tools should be database specialized not generalized 3 by saisrirampur | 0 comments on Hacker News. Reference: Parent Tweet: Change Data Capture(CDC) is hard, it has 100s of edge cases / failure points. At PeerDB ( , instead of focusing on multiple sources we just focused on Postgres. This helped us ensure that we gave enough care to iron out as many edge cases as possible. We were also able to implement a bunch of Postgres native performance and reliability optimizations. Our engineering blog more on the optimizations and how we ironed out edge cases. Pipeline failures have been rare these days, and so far none of the source databases were affected due to load. Also, most of our customers are in the shorter tail, i.e., data sizes over 300-400GB to 15-20TB. This helped battle test the product and make seamless for the long tail. However, I don’t think CDC is a solve

New ask Hacker News story: What other tech is so dumb like SMS and captcha but it's part of every day life?

What other tech is so dumb like SMS and captcha but it's part of every day life? 3 by user90131313 | 4 comments on Hacker News. I don't mean the beginning of these tech decades ago. Currently these are outdated and beyond annoying and stuipd tech but billions use them. We can replace most but instead we choose the pain for no logical reason. What else to add to this list? SMSof them is so unsecure that causes real problem too. Millions ignore it instead.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How did manufacturers ship CRT monitors back in the day?

Ask HN: How did manufacturers ship CRT monitors back in the day? 4 by hnthrowaway0315 | 4 comments on Hacker News. I was reading this article: And it comes to me that shipping CRT monitors through commercial shipping companies is hazardous. How did companies such as IBM, HP, etc. ship new CRTs back in the day? I assume that because they were new monitors, buyers would have higher demand (no scratch for example). How did they manage to do that? Or is it because shipping becomes more shitty (or to put up a better phrase, cost consciousness) nowadays? After all it seems to be easier to ship LCD ones than CRT ones.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How do you work as a tech lead?

Ask HN: How do you work as a tech lead? 3 by obvthroaway | 4 comments on Hacker News. This is a blanket question. I am working with a team of junior engineers, 1-3 yrs in experience. We have been assigned a project that is to be delivered in phases till end of Q1, 2025. Main things that I want to know about are: 1. How do you interface with your team (and how frequently)? 2. How do you interface with your manager (and how frequently)? 3. Do you have some recurring meetings? What is their cadence? 4. How do you take care of documentation? 5. How do you ensure that you have time to work on your sprint tasks while context switching? 6. How do you ensure everyone is moving in the same/correct direction?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Best resources on learning AI, LLMs etc. (both paid and free)

Ask HN: Best resources on learning AI, LLMs etc. (both paid and free) 2 by akudha | 2 comments on Hacker News. There is a big push in my job to learn AI and apply them to our daily tasks, as much as we can. Personally, I am a bit skeptical about how much we can use it in my org. But it got me thinking - maybe I should explore for my own interest and maybe for my job. Any advice on where to start? Any resources (paid or free) that you can recommend? I am not looking into becoming a Machine Learning engineer or something similar, more like effectively understanding the deluge of tools and language models that are released every day, their capabilities and uses

New ask Hacker News story: I want to sell a domain, where do I list it?

I want to sell a domain, where do I list it? 3 by 0xDeveloper | 1 comments on Hacker News.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Tired of software career. What now?

Ask HN: Tired of software career. What now? 46 by purple-leafy | 56 comments on Hacker News. I work as a fullstack developer. Mostly doing frontend. I’m sick of the mess of tooling, of the colleagues who code these giant spaghetti messes, I’m tired of standups. I’m tired of the codebase, and I don’t care about what we are building. But most or all I’m tired of all the minutiae. I just feel like what we are working on, and how we are doing it, is boring as hell. There’s no intellectual stimulation. Is it time to move jobs, or time to move careers? What other careers are good for burnt out developers?

New ask Hacker News story: Best way to set up a risky blog?

Best way to set up a risky blog? 2 by 1024core | 0 comments on Hacker News. Suppose I want to set up a blog where I can document abuses of power, cases of corruption, etc. without risk of getting doxxed, as these people will stop at nothing to stifle such content. What are my options?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Roast my startup landing page

Ask HN: Roast my startup landing page 3 by JoshMfounder1 | 7 comments on Hacker News. Hey All :) Before my team build a new campaign landing, please roast and give feedback on our current landing for us to consider for our new one!

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What terminal recording tools lets you edit/run recordings?

Ask HN: What terminal recording tools lets you edit/run recordings? 5 by agarwa90 | 0 comments on Hacker News. I have used asciinema( for terminal recordings. Recently, I've been using Savvy( for recording my terminal activity and saving it as executable runbooks, which has been helpful, since I can edit it. Though the output format for both are useful for different things. Asciinema is more useful for demonstrations whereas Savvy is more useful for documentation/reuse. What are some other terminal recording tools out there? Do they allow editing the recordings ?

New ask Hacker News story: Why isn't Apple attacking the enterprise market?

Why isn't Apple attacking the enterprise market? 7 by edgefield | 10 comments on Hacker News. There are few markets Apple can enter to continue its growth trajectory, given its size. Enterprise computing is such a market. With Apple silicon, supply chain, support infrastructure, and Mac laptops increasingly used on the client side, why isn’t Apple more aggressively attacking the enterprise market? Seems like a lost opportunity to me. Curious to hear thoughts on this.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Why is there less Wikipedia pages on the frontpage?

Ask HN: Why is there less Wikipedia pages on the frontpage? 3 by dorianmariefr | 2 comments on Hacker News. it used to be that there was always one or two wikipedia pages on the frontpage and i really liked reading them, but now they are pretty rare

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Are there any specialized LLMs that can upgrade WordPress, Drupal, etc.?

Ask HN: Are there any specialized LLMs that can upgrade WordPress, Drupal, etc.? 3 by mikikian | 1 comments on Hacker News. AWS offers upgrading Java applications [0], but does anyone offer upgrading frameworks like Wordpress, Drupal, Django or ever React.js and AngularJS? Seems like this would be very useful for millions of websites that want to upgrade. [0]

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Pragmatic way to avoid supply chain attacks as a developer

Ask HN: Pragmatic way to avoid supply chain attacks as a developer 2 by RoboTeddy | 0 comments on Hacker News. In the usual course of writing software, it's common to install huge dependency chains (npm, pypi), and any vulnerable package could spell doom. There's some nasty stuff out there, like which uploaded people's SSH keys to the attacker. It's easy to say just "use containers" or "use VMs" — but are there pragmatic workflows for doing these things that don't suffer from too many performance problems or general pain/inconvenience? Are containers the way to go, or VMs? Which virtualization software? Is it best to use one isolated environment per project no matter how small, or for convenience's sake have a grab-bag VM that contains many projects all of which are low value? Theorycrafting is welcome, but am particularly interested in hearing from anyone who has made this work well in practice.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Why is Apple not being sued along with Google in DOJ lawsuit?

Ask HN: Why is Apple not being sued along with Google in DOJ lawsuit? 2 by tsycho | 0 comments on Hacker News. Apple is making tens of billions of dollars in this "default search provider on Safari" deal. If this deal is illegal, shouldn't both be an equal part of the lawsuit? Further, this deal was made years ago when being the default on Safari wasn't a big deal (low % overall market share). How is this deal any different from Google's deal with Mozilla for default search provider for Firefox? The only difference I see is that Apple's marketshare grew exponentially, while Firefox is (sadly) dying. But from a legal point of view, how do the above make sense?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Any product inventors or creators here?

Ask HN: Any product inventors or creators here? 5 by CatDivers | 13 comments on Hacker News. Hi, I’m Cat, creating a new start-up to make it quicker and easier for anyone to become a product inventor or creator. Ever had an idea for a product then see it advertised years later? It’s annoying! If the path to invention didn’t seem so out of reach, maybe things could have been different. I’m curious to learn: 1) How many people on HN have invented or created products? Did you take it to market yourself or license it? How did it go? 2) Did you use AI or other technology in the invention or creation process? With Open Innovation, product licensing opportunities, and the rise of AI to assist with research and development, it feels like we could be entering a new era of invention and creation, an exciting time! Currently, I’m collaborating with a design agency back in Scotland on a new packaging product. We’re diving into the entire invention process, identifying bumps and pain points, and

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Do you struggle taking good pics?

Ask HN: Do you struggle taking good pics? 6 by ryshbg | 4 comments on Hacker News. 1. What's the hardest part about clicking pics for you? 2. How often do you struggle?

New ask Hacker News story: LLMs for structured input validation

LLMs for structured input validation 2 by kevalshah90 | 1 comments on Hacker News. There are several examples of structured outputs from LLMs; however, I'd like to use an language model to see if a given document / pdf adheres to a set template. Are there any good examples of this input validation use-case? If the input doc / text doesn't adhere to the specific template, I'd like LLMs to point our the inconsistencies.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What's day-to-day experience of startups going through YC?

Ask HN: What's day-to-day experience of startups going through YC? 3 by SaaSRider | 0 comments on Hacker News. I saw YC is doing Fall batch for the first time. I never applied but I am genuinely impressed with what YC has able to achieve and enormous impact it has on startup ecosystem. I have bootstrapped a SaaS product that makes around $40k per month. We are profitable. We never took VC money. But, now we are considering applying to YC. I would be interested in getting mentorship from top founders and people who have on path from 1 -> 10. Since there many YC founders here, I will fire my questions. Feel free to respond with your experience. 1. Are there daily standups or progress reports? 2. How often do you meet mentors and advisors? 3. Do advisors force you to seek PMF or pivot? Who makes the decision to Pivot, if necessary? 4. Can you attend session remotely if necessary? 5. Do you have to be in SF all 12 to 15 week you are part of the program? Are there any exceptions?

New ask Hacker News story: Tell HN: Server error (5xx) in Google Search Console may not be 5xx at all

Tell HN: Server error (5xx) in Google Search Console may not be 5xx at all 3 by santah | 0 comments on Hacker News. I run and recently (a few months ago) - I noticed it started getting pages not indexed because of “Server error (5xx)” in Google Search Console (GSC): On the website everything looked good and all reported links worked fine. I tried validating these errors at GSC as fixed, but it would always report back that the issue is still present and new links would keep popping up to have 5xx errors (as seen on the screenshot). This was worrisome because it indicated there was some kind of an issue I wasn’t aware of that may be affecting not only Google’s crawlers, but my users as well. I did what everyone would do - checked my server, Cloudflare and analytics logs for anything suspicious and placed some additional logging to try and catch what was happening. This turned out nothing - as far as I could tell - no requests returned any

New ask Hacker News story: How to keep up with AI/ML as a full stack dev?

How to keep up with AI/ML as a full stack dev? 3 by waspight | 2 comments on Hacker News. I am working with full stack solutions consisting of node.js and React among other things. Different app solutions both for mobile and web. I most often can’t see any use case for AI/ML in our products but I suspect that it is easier to see opportunities when you have some experience with the tools. Any ideas on how I can keep up my learning in these areas so that I stay relevant as a software engineer in the long run? I know that it is a general topic but I think that it is important to stay up to date on the subject.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What are some good longform newsletters about solar power?

Ask HN: What are some good longform newsletters about solar power? 2 by amleng | 1 comments on Hacker News. I'm just starting to take a deeper dive into the area and have had a hard time finding things more on the practical/technical side (e.g. reporting on FERC rulings, bills introduced or new papers) Certainly I don't expect there to be one source that covers everything, but I've had a hard time finding any sources which felt like they covered things in sufficient depth/detail

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Could true randomness come from sparkles from light reflecting the sea?

Ask HN: Could true randomness come from sparkles from light reflecting the sea? 7 by danielovichdk | 4 comments on Hacker News. I am not well rounded in cryptography, but I had this thought about having a camera take pictures of the sea, and somehow turn the sparkles from the light hitting the sea into a useful indicator for some kind of randomness. So the camera takes a shot. Software looks at the image, collects the "sparkles", somehow counts and sums them up, perhaps multiples them with a second random counter and then we have a true random number. Does it make sense ?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Is YC Worth It for a B2B SaaS with $8.5k MRR and Linear Growth?

Ask HN: Is YC Worth It for a B2B SaaS with $8.5k MRR and Linear Growth? 3 by snowhale | 0 comments on Hacker News. My startup acquired 87 customer companies and reached $8.5k MRR recently. We have around 4-5 new paying customers every week, and 13% monthly churn rate. However, the new growth rate has been linear for 2 months. We raised pre-seed funding last July, and have 18+ month runway as of now. This can be decreased if we hire more people and spend more on marketing. Would YC be worth it for us? We are considering next fundraising or YC to accelerate our growth.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How should I structure my mathematics self-teaching?

Ask HN: How should I structure my mathematics self-teaching? 3 by trwhite | 1 comments on Hacker News. Recently (~2 months ago) I decided to start self-teaching myself mathematics again, having last formally studied it when I was only 16 (I am 30 now). My goal is to spend a little time doing it every day, not to attain any specific qualification, only to "learn maths". There are lots of online resources, though it's hard to know where to begin or to go. "What interests me" is difficult because I don't really know the answer yet. I have been following some of the GCSE syllabus, effectively re-learning what I studied at school (today it was completing the square), but I'm not sure if I'll find this motivating enough.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Should we offer selfhosted or cloud version first of B2B SaaS?

Ask HN: Should we offer selfhosted or cloud version first of B2B SaaS? 3 by skillmaker | 2 comments on Hacker News. Hello, I'm currently working with my brother on a code scanning tool for B2B and we were thinking about the hosting models, we want to offer cloud version and self hosted because some companies don't want their data in the cloud. The question is which model should we start with? should we offer both at the beginning? What are the pros and cons of each one ? And are companies willing to use cloud or self hosted version (self hosted will cost more than our cloud version) Thank you in advance

New ask Hacker News story: What Happened to ESG?

What Happened to ESG? 2 by fsndz | 11 comments on Hacker News. 4-5 years ago, ESG was the rage. Now we almost never hear that much about it. What the hell happened ?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Any ideas on how to keep Human:Human Interaction on the web?

Ask HN: Any ideas on how to keep Human:Human Interaction on the web? 2 by gamerDude | 2 comments on Hacker News. I stumbled upon this site recently: (they scan reddit for places to have an llm write a fake review of a product in the comments) and it's just so clear that everywhere is going to be full of bots using llms trying to sell/scam everywhere on the web. How can we maintain some level of knowing we are talking to fellow humans? All I can think of right now is a much more involved captcha.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Discernment Lattice [Prompting]

Ask HN: Discernment Lattice [Prompting] 2 by samstave | 4 comments on Hacker News. There were questions about gpt response quality, and this has been from my experience in wrangling gpts to function to spec over the past bit. I am posting this as its own Ask HN as the topic has wrapped multiple comment threads and I'd like to ask the HN community about their understanding and use of Discernment Lattice | Domain concept as I just discovered it, I am interested to know if this is already what others are doing? What are your thoughts on this. The following is kind of my discovery of the concept over the last bit - so forgive me if this is uninteresting to you, but it feels sound... Is this pedestrian? Or Interesting? Is everyone doing this already and I am new to the playground? #### Discernment Lattice: A discernment lattice is a conceptual framework for analyzing and comparing complex ideas, systems, or concepts. It's a multidimensional structure that h

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Open-source, free pair-programming tools?

Ask HN: Open-source, free pair-programming tools? 2 by dv35z | 0 comments on Hacker News. Hello! What are the best open-source, free pair-programming tools out there? I'm doing collaborative code development & coaching - the students often don't have credit cards or accounts on platforms like Google, Microsoft etc. We're using VSCodium code editor, and programming web apps with Python (Django, perhaps an API framework lile FastAPI/DRF) HTML, React, Typescript, SQlite, etc. Commercial tools I'm aware of: (free), Tuple (paid), VSCode Live Share (free, required Microsoft/GitHub account), Jitsi (video conference tool, but I don't think it has screen control) Looking for high quality, open/free equivalents...

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Has your company switched from Ubuntu due to security patch gatekeeping?

Ask HN: Has your company switched from Ubuntu due to security patch gatekeeping? 7 by profwalkstr | 1 comments on Hacker News. As you may know, Ubuntu is gatekeeping security updates in their "universe" repository. It will show your system is vulnerable and will only allow you to fix those security holes if you purchase Ubuntu Pro. They claim that the universe repository was always unsupported and now they are offering in-house patches for those packages, but they are intentionally unclear if they are upstreaming those fixes and if those fixes will arrive to non-paying customers after a while. They say they non-paying customers will get those fixes if the "community" fixes them, but the process to send patches in seem inexistent so that doesn't seem to actually happen. They are also intentionally unclear if they will pull and distribute for free users patches issued by the Debian team. Has anyone company, or any company you know (I'm not talking about hom

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: 19yr old child suffering from internet gaming disorder? Any suggestions?

Ask HN: 19yr old child suffering from internet gaming disorder? Any suggestions? 23 by throwawayigd | 12 comments on Hacker News. My child, 19, is clearly suffering from Internet Gaming Disorder. They are spending all waking moment on an online Roblox capture the flag game with god know who all. They are in a top ranked EECS program, think (Stanford, Berkeley, MIT, Cornell, CMU...) and the grades are not great. They are not focused on internship, which is about to end, and I don't think they did a good job. I tried to help but they're just not prioritizing the work. When at home they are just spending time on the above game. It's hard for us to decide how much to push and how much to let go, in case it all backfires and makes it worse. I'm worried they are throwing this great educational opportunity away which will impact their entire future life and worse this develops into something even more serious that it already is. Has anyone else gone through this, personally

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Are any databases implementing own memory paging (swaping)?

Ask HN: Are any databases implementing own memory paging (swaping)? 2 by kuriozeetee | 1 comments on Hacker News. The question is - Are (any or all?) database systems engines implementing own memory paging (memory swaping mechanisms) beside just what Operating System is providing so they can still work even when memory available trough OS virtual memory is exhausted? Or in other words - so they could work on data sets far exceeding size of memory that virtual memory can provide? Can you provide examples of database engines that do have such functionality implemented?

New ask Hacker News story: WTH Is AI Girlfriend BS?

WTH Is AI Girlfriend BS? 2 by bkhetan | 0 comments on Hacker News. Its so annoying. I see so many builders build AI girlfriends and AI friends. Its creepy and extremely weird in my opinion. The promise of technology is to make society better. AI should be used to be help people get better at making connections not giving an AI girlfriend handout. Like imagine 10 years from now your kids are talking to their AI friends and have 0 real friends. So weird!

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Simple web server with drag and drop upload?

Ask HN: Simple web server with drag and drop upload? 3 by gushogg-blake | 2 comments on Hacker News. To download files onto another computer there are multiple options for spinning up a simple web server with indexing. Is there a good option for going the other way, i.e. sending files to the host machine? I'm imagining running a command like: cd some-dir; simple-upload-server And then going to 192... and getting a page with a single file upload, ideally with drag and drop, that just puts any uploaded file into `some-dir`.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How is the daily work of an AI Engineer like, and how to become one?

Ask HN: How is the daily work of an AI Engineer like, and how to become one? 3 by alcaide-mor | 0 comments on Hacker News. What tools does an AI engineer use daily, and what does their work involve? How does it differ from the work of a regular software engineer? How can a regular software engineer with a basic understanding of AI in general, and neural networks specifically, become an AI engineer? Is a specialized degree required to apply for AI engineer positions?

New ask Hacker News story: Tell HN: Asus, good hardware, horrible customer service

Tell HN: Asus, good hardware, horrible customer service 3 by 999900000999 | 0 comments on Hacker News. Hi HN. I had the adventure of pre-ordering an Asus Laptop. I found a 50$ off promocode, and placed my order. About 2 weeks later I'm told my order needs to be canceled due to an error on their end. No problem, I'll just order it again. The promo code no longer works, customer service chat assures me I can just ask them to apply it after I order it. Cool, I'm then told the code is no longer valid. I email their "CEO Office" and after 2 weeks their still "working on it". Compared to HP where I was able to haggle a discount in customer service chat, and then was offered a significant discount when they couldn't cancel an order I placed. The actual laptop is very well built and fast, but I'm worried if I ever have an issue with it I'll have a horrible time getting it fixed. I'm not upset enough to send it back( main

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Niche non-tech websites to visit?

Ask HN: Niche non-tech websites to visit? 2 by marc__1 | 0 comments on Hacker News. Hey HK! What are some of the best non-tech related websites you visit? Be it for news, philosophy, book reviews, travel, general information?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Is there a ChatGPT or an add-on baked directly into the web dev console?

Ask HN: Is there a ChatGPT or an add-on baked directly into the web dev console? 2 by sexy_seedbox | 0 comments on Hacker News. Example chat usage: - Load the sitemap and find all broken links on this website - Reveal all "hidden" input fields on this page's form submission - Append a Dark Mode button using the moon emoji to the top-right of the page and save the code as a Userscript - Perform typical SQL injections on this form - Optimize all images on this page larger than 500kb

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Gmail Outage?

Ask HN: Gmail Outage? 7 by silexia | 3 comments on Hacker News. Anyone else seeing Gmail saying "Message could not be sent. Check your network and try again." across multiple browsers even when everything else works fine?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How did you learn Regex?

Ask HN: How did you learn Regex? 3 by profsummergig | 2 comments on Hacker News. How did you learn Regex?

New ask Hacker News story: What's hiring like these days?

What's hiring like these days? 5 by pmotive | 3 comments on Hacker News. I work for a, uhh, large semiconductor company and am successful and like the work but they are frankly offering me too much money to "retire" early I almost can't turn it down. But I would want to find more work within a few months. I'm 51 and have been at the company for 27 years, in areas ranging from IT enterprise full stack development to design engineering automation to C++ driver development these days. What's it like to come out of the protective, motherly embrace of the corporate world these days for a middle aged person, how is the job market for remote or hybrid work?

New ask Hacker News story: AI Startups Acquisition Models

AI Startups Acquisition Models 2 by piecerough | 0 comments on Hacker News. So it turns out that the AI boom introduced a new exit strategy compare to 10 years ago. Inflection, Adept, Character and many others they all went through founder drain. Big Tech not only acqui-hired, but also paid some royalties or licensing fees to likely keep investors happy. What's this trend telling you? Why does this approach all of a sudden makes more sense than classic acquisitions?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Front-End Bait and Switch?

Ask HN: Front-End Bait and Switch? 27 by throwawaybcknd | 7 comments on Hacker News. First-paragraph TL;DR: A weird and very specific thing keeps happening to me: I tell a recruiter that I don't do front-end work, I take an interview with an employer, I make it clear during the interview that I don't do front-end work, I hear nothing but "Yes", I take the job...and then I get assigned front-end work. My performance drops off a cliff, I try to communicate, it gets worse, and if I don't quit, I get fired. Once could be a fluke, but it has happened several times. I don't understand and would seriously like to understand so I can avoid it. Here's the most recent example: I interview in December, it's great, there's a former colleague that remembers a lecture I gave, he's a cool guy, and I make it clear to new boss that I don't do front-end work, but to be sure, I tell them during the last round of interviews not just that I don't do fron

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Open-source, Self Hosted Alternatives to

Ask HN: Open-source, Self Hosted Alternatives to 2 by toomuchtodo | 0 comments on Hacker News. Title. In search of open source and self hosted alternatives to, as there is a steep ongoing fee for maintaining the links they create that forward along to links users provide. Thank you in advance for any relevant resources or information.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Should we bring software dev in-house?

Ask HN: Should we bring software dev in-house? 10 by 45HCPW | 13 comments on Hacker News. I'm an executive at a mid-sized logistics company (~200 employees, $200-300M annual revenue) getting more and more frustrated with our software situation and am considering taking software development in-house. I've been lurking here for years, so looking at the HN community to talk me out of it. We're using a third-party product that functions, but barely. The provider is understaffed and unresponsive and the platform is stagnant. It's a fight getting basic bugs fixed let alone new features implemented. We're having to resort to a separate low-code platform to fill in the gaps. Our business operates in a specific niche and there are no other providers who cater specifically to our industry. As we are growing we're running in to the limits of what this product can offer. We're being hampered in our speed of execution and missing crucial insights. I feel like we could

New ask Hacker News story: Tell HN: My Webcam works in Manjaro, not Windows 11

Tell HN: My Webcam works in Manjaro, not Windows 11 3 by 999900000999 | 3 comments on Hacker News. And I've given up on figuring out why. I just brought a new Asus laptop with a AMD 300 series processor. First I tried to move my old windows install, after wasting 5 hours on trying to get things I reinstalled. I ran into a really weird issue where Linux mint tried to install, then said it couldn't because of BitLocker. OK, no problem let me resize the Windows drive. After that , I found it keep erroring out on some weird import_mok_state() error. So I turned off SecureBoot, Linux Mint still refused to install. Alright, Manjaro to the rescue, and for some reason the webcam works while it doesn't in Windows. I actually prefer Linux Mint/Ubuntu , but I'm tried of fighting with the installer. Got NodeJS and VSCode installed so I'm ready for my next interview...

New ask Hacker News story: Massivemark Playground: one shot multiple Markdown to HTML

Massivemark Playground: one shot multiple Markdown to HTML 2 by laroi | 1 comments on Hacker News. Massive Mark Playground is a tool designed for working with markdown text from various AI language models like ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, and BingAI. Users can paste their markdown text into the provided textbox, and the tool allows for multiple markdown entries to be added, which can then be exported as a single DOCX file

New ask Hacker News story: How to Deal with Loneliness as a Founder?

How to Deal with Loneliness as a Founder? 2 by hello8273 | 0 comments on Hacker News. I am a founder. Our company has been around a few years. I am very blessed and our company is doing very well. However, I really hate it and am burned out. I can’t quit, but not really sure how to deal with these feelings. If I quit, the company will fail. It’ll destroy millions of dollars in value for employees, customers and myself. What should I do? How do I deal with this? It also feels like a very first world problem and just hard to address with people I know. Long time Hackernews user, but obviously doing from throwaway account.

New ask Hacker News story: I sold my startup, I'm now bored. I'll coach you on scaling sales for free

I sold my startup, I'm now bored. I'll coach you on scaling sales for free 10 by maschera | 0 comments on Hacker News. I am a Techstars mentor, former Chief Revenue Officer for a tech scale-up (now a unicorn), and most recently, founder of a startup I exited a few months ago. I started that venture from scratch, achieving seven figures in the first nine months with a junior team of three. Overall, I have 20 years of experience in tech sales. Today, I'm searching for my soul and exploring what's next. Call me a recovering founder if you wish. I'm excited to do things I enjoy without focusing on their commercial aspects, instead seeking personal fulfillment. I'll think about money at some point, but it's not a priority right now. So, I'd be happy to coach up to three tech startups, aiming to transfer as much knowledge as possible regarding sales management, revenue operations, and growth (excluding marketing specifics). I'm a good fit if: - Your sta

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Someone please give me a webapp idea to make for a school project

Ask HN: Someone please give me a webapp idea to make for a school project 3 by JudeJeremy | 2 comments on Hacker News. I need some help. The web app can be for any client and me and my partner want to earn some money while we are at it.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Trying to find an old HN post, failing at search

Ask HN: Trying to find an old HN post, failing at search 4 by xbkandxe | 0 comments on Hacker News. Hey all…been trying desperately on and off for weeks to find something I could've sworn was posted to HN. It was someone showing off their incredibly minimal bare git repo site, basically. Think cgit but even more basic. Thanks in advance.

New ask Hacker News story: Is Gmail still the go-to email provider for generic email addresses?

Is Gmail still the go-to email provider for generic email addresses? 4 by benrmatthews | 3 comments on Hacker News. Looking to create an email account for a new position. Which would be best out of Gmail, Proton, Fastmail? Doesn’t need to be tied to a domain, so happy to use the default.

New ask Hacker News story: Does Sundar Pichai/Search team know how bad Google search is?

Does Sundar Pichai/Search team know how bad Google search is? 12 by HEGalloway | 7 comments on Hacker News. I've been increasingly getting annoyed at Google search results. I understand this is an old topic and quite a hot one. Many people feel the same about this. But I can't seem to wrap my head around why isn't Google doing anything. They did push an update a couple of months ago, but it didn't seem to make a dent. Results are still absolute crap, full off SEO junk. If some of you say they're focusing on "revenue" and "ads" then I don't think that is it. The reason I don't agree with it is due to being a short-term focus. If your search results are bad, people will start trusting you less over time and look for answers on platforms like Reddit or other search engines, therefore you can't show them relevant ads and you lose money over the long term. Let's be honest, google is not a search company. They're an ad company an

New ask Hacker News story: Any good books on why Trump has so much support in America?

Any good books on why Trump has so much support in America? 4 by federalauth | 0 comments on Hacker News. I’m trying to better understand why a decent number of people in the US seem to support a second Trump presidency. I’m sure there are many factors influencing different kinds of supporters (from the billionaires to the working class). Are there any good books (or even documentaries, anything longer form preferably with data) on why Trump has so much support in America?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Why do people say "Lisp has no syntax"? It has infinite syntax

Ask HN: Why do people say "Lisp has no syntax"? It has infinite syntax 4 by behnamoh | 3 comments on Hacker News. A popular notion is that Lisp has no syntax. People also say Lisp's syntax is just the one rule: everything is a list expression whose first element is the function/operator and the rest are its args. Following this idea, recently I decided to create my own Lisp such that everything, even `def` are simply functions that update something in the look-up env table. This seemed to work in the beginning when I was using recursive descent to write my interpreter. Using recursive descent seemed like a suitable method to parse the expressions of this Lisp-y language: Any time we see a list of at least two elements, we treat the first as function and parse the rest of elements as args, then we apply the function on the parsed arguments (supposedly, the function exists in the env). But this only gets us so far. What if we now want to have conditionals? Can we simply

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What do you think are the fundamental skills for software engineers?

Ask HN: What do you think are the fundamental skills for software engineers? 2 by rspivak | 3 comments on Hacker News. As the software engineering landscape evolves, what do you think are the non-negotiable, fundamental skills every software engineer should have? I've compiled my thoughts on this in a recent post (, but I'm curious to see what others think. NOTE: The post contains a link to a page with Amazon affiliate book links, which you can ignore if you prefer.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What are you doing this weekend?

Ask HN: What are you doing this weekend? 5 by surprisetalk | 0 comments on Hacker News. Any fun activities/projects/experiences?

New ask Hacker News story: ParrotUI: Simplified React Components–Seeking Contributors

ParrotUI: Simplified React Components–Seeking Contributors 2 by ParrotUI | 1 comments on Hacker News. ParrotUI is a new project aiming to streamline React UI development with easy-to-use, copy-paste components styled using Tailwind CSS. We're currently in heavy development and looking for contributors to help refine and expand the library.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What's the most unique job perk you've had?

Ask HN: What's the most unique job perk you've had? 7 by AlwaysNewb23 | 8 comments on Hacker News.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Why does Google ignore their own recovery process?

Ask HN: Why does Google ignore their own recovery process? 3 by caseyf7 | 1 comments on Hacker News. I'm so tired of Gmail requiring me to verify using my account recovery information and then deciding to ignore it when I get it right. I'm using the same device, browser (but not Chrome), and IP address that I've used for years. I'm getting the recovery code and entering it correctly. Also performing an insane amount of Captchas. At the end of this, it still won't let me in. This happens so often and will not work until I wait a few more days. Then my password magically works using the same device, browser, etc. What is wrong with Google?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Is commoditization of AI finally going to burst the AI bubble/hype?

Ask HN: Is commoditization of AI finally going to burst the AI bubble/hype? 4 by behnamoh | 0 comments on Hacker News. What do you reckon about all these gpt-4-level AIs just popping up left, right, and center like gpt-4o, sonnet, llama 3.1, command-r plus, etc., virtually for free? Do you think this is going to pop the whole AI bubble/hype?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What is the best software to visualize a graph with a billion nodes?

Ask HN: What is the best software to visualize a graph with a billion nodes? 3 by throwaway425933 | 0 comments on Hacker News. Currently I am using GraphViz. But I am not happy with the quality of output (It is writing a postscript file). I want to be able to zoom in and zoom out. Graph has upto 100B nodes and is directed cyclic graph.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Which resources have been helping you understand current AI changes?

Ask HN: Which resources have been helping you understand current AI changes? 2 by pedrodelfino | 0 comments on Hacker News. Hi HN, I've been having difficulty understanding what's happening worldwide, especially with the rapid advancements in AI, and how current changes might unfold. I suspect many others feel the same. Personally, I am wary of those who have strong certainties about the future. With that in mind, what resources (books, articles, podcasts, websites, etc.) have been helping you the most in trying to understand the futures being built right now, particularly concerning AI? Thanks in advance for your insights!