New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What if I don't want constant OS upgrades?
Ask HN: What if I don't want constant OS upgrades?
6 by plg | 3 comments on Hacker News.
I am getting old (I started coding as a small kid on a Radio Shack TRS-80 pocket computer). I am getting to the point with my Mac computers (Studio Ultra and MacBook Pro) that I dread when OS updates are on the horizon. I know there are new features that maybe could be useful. Maybe. But there are a giant turd of other features that I do not want. The OS slows down, bugs appear, etc etc etc. I guess the solution is to choose a Linux distro and stick with it. I mean I know what I need to use my computers for and what I don’t. The VR thing, avatars, AI, I want no part of it. Call me old fashioned but something I’ve learned over my years is that tech can be very inhuman/inhumane. (it also can be great of course, sometimes) Anyway curious what other people’s thoughts are. I was once one of those kids/adults who would look forward to the latest updates, download and install immediately, etc but I am not that person any more. PS I work in a field in which I can more or less decide for myself what tools I use.
6 by plg | 3 comments on Hacker News.
I am getting old (I started coding as a small kid on a Radio Shack TRS-80 pocket computer). I am getting to the point with my Mac computers (Studio Ultra and MacBook Pro) that I dread when OS updates are on the horizon. I know there are new features that maybe could be useful. Maybe. But there are a giant turd of other features that I do not want. The OS slows down, bugs appear, etc etc etc. I guess the solution is to choose a Linux distro and stick with it. I mean I know what I need to use my computers for and what I don’t. The VR thing, avatars, AI, I want no part of it. Call me old fashioned but something I’ve learned over my years is that tech can be very inhuman/inhumane. (it also can be great of course, sometimes) Anyway curious what other people’s thoughts are. I was once one of those kids/adults who would look forward to the latest updates, download and install immediately, etc but I am not that person any more. PS I work in a field in which I can more or less decide for myself what tools I use.
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