
Showing posts from September, 2024

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What do you do when you're stuck in a job and overworked?

Ask HN: What do you do when you're stuck in a job and overworked? 3 by 0x3444ac53 | 2 comments on Hacker News. I work in an entry level position as a call taker at a Bank. I was given a small project to work on that would involve creating a database and VBA form that would allow our managers to select weekend schedules. It quickly ballooned into an entire application as more and more things were asked to be added, and I spent 3 months working on it. During this time I asked about raises, or if there was a different position I could be moved to since this had become a full-time project, and I was told that I was being a "Team Player" and that "Goes a long way". I would like to note here that any time I spend working on this instead of taking phone calls reflects on my call statistics, and how those look affects everything from the schedules I am allowed to work to the opportunities I am offered. I talked to a few colleagues about how I could begin to step away

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What reasonable person would work as a founding engineer?

Ask HN: What reasonable person would work as a founding engineer? 7 by atleastoptimal | 7 comments on Hacker News. Esp for a non-technical founder. You are signing up for 80 hour work-weeks to help bring to fruition the dream of someone else who will reap far more of the benefits. "Able to wear many hats", "High agency", "Ability to go above and beyond". If you really had these attributes you'd be much better off starting your own company.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Is it possible to work and play at the same time?

Ask HN: Is it possible to work and play at the same time? 3 by hypertexthero | 6 comments on Hacker News. Or are “work” and “play” terms for the left (analytical, procedural) and right (creative, random) sides of the brain so we’re balancing both all the time? What books about this have you read and recommend? Which companies have the best balance of work and play? Consider: Creativity - Flow -

New ask Hacker News story: Is ARC challenge the next ImageNet challenge?

Is ARC challenge the next ImageNet challenge? 2 by gpt4o | 0 comments on Hacker News. I guess the Imagenet challenge helped progress the Computer Vision research. In the same way, the ARC challenge will be the next important challenge that tests the LLMs. What are your opinions?

New ask Hacker News story: Auto brewer gut syndrome and goldfish crackers

Auto brewer gut syndrome and goldfish crackers 2 by peterweyand38 | 1 comments on Hacker News. So I've been having mysterious headaches and I don't know why. The cause may be auto brewer gut syndrome where your gut creates ethanol. Pure boost energy drinks and goldfish crackers may both be contributing factors - ones a fizzy drink mix and the other has yeast extract. Does anyone know the solution?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Why do centers of international power often have acute urban poverty?

Ask HN: Why do centers of international power often have acute urban poverty? 3 by keepamovin | 0 comments on Hacker News. I guess the key examples are Brussels (EU HQ) and DC (center of US power globally). But there are more examples and details: - Washington, D.C. (U.S. Federal Government, World Bank, IMF) - Economic disparity between wealthy political districts and impoverished areas like Anacostia; aging infrastructure and high crime rates in some neighborhoods. - Brussels (European Union, NATO) - Neglect in neighborhoods like Molenbeek, characterized by poverty, unemployment, and social unrest, contrasting with the European Quarter. - New York City (United Nations) - Stark economic divide between Manhattan’s financial district and outer boroughs like the Bronx, which experience poverty, crime, and deteriorating infrastructure. - Paris (UNESCO, OECD) - The affluent city center contrasts with impoverished suburban banlieues, facing unemployment, crime, and lack of investment, esp

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How has Airbnb's decision to merge PMs with design panned out?

Ask HN: How has Airbnb's decision to merge PMs with design panned out? 6 by trojanalert | 0 comments on Hacker News.

New ask Hacker News story: Is AI Winter coming again?

Is AI Winter coming again? 3 by gpt4o | 4 comments on Hacker News. I heard someone saying that most of the AI startups aren't getting funding. I know that the first AI winter started by not getting enough funding. So what's your opinion?

New ask Hacker News story: What are the best options for Amazon SDEs thinking about leaving over RTO policy

What are the best options for Amazon SDEs thinking about leaving over RTO policy 2 by aws_throwaway | 0 comments on Hacker News. Any SDEs who are thinking of leaving Amazon over the 5-day RTO announcement, what are the best options for WFH flexibility, interesting projects, quality of colleagues, and salary? I'm a DB-focused SDE3 in the Seattle area, but am open to general systems programming projects, with 0-2 days/week onsite.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Can solo entrepreneurs benefit from an AI with a cofounder personality?

Ask HN: Can solo entrepreneurs benefit from an AI with a cofounder personality? 3 by amichail | 1 comments on Hacker News. Maybe it would be like having a startup with several cofounders even though only one of them is human?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Recommendations for Eye Tracking Hardware?

Ask HN: Recommendations for Eye Tracking Hardware? 3 by FloatArtifact | 0 comments on Hacker News. I am supporting a disabled loved one who is going to lose control over their body do to multiple sclerosis complicated by a series of strokes. We have tried a tobii eye tracker c4. Unfortunately monitor mounted eye trackers are problematic for those with limited mobility and wheelchair-bound. From a positional standpoint there's a lot of variability relative to a monitor. - Muscle fatigue causing posture changes such as head droop or leaning torso - A person's position in the chair such as tilt or recline - Chair alignment to the monitor Tobii eye tracker c4 can't cope with this kind of environment. In addition Tobii does not really support the disabled community. Tobii restricts any other language besides C,C#,C++ via the Stream Engine or Interaction Library API. The creation of a wrapper to gather data to pipe to another language is prohibited in end-user license agreemen

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Did HN just get hacked and leak passwords?

Ask HN: Did HN just get hacked and leak passwords? 15 by gt565k | 2 comments on Hacker News. Got an email security alert from gmail about someone logging into an old forgotten gmail account with my actual password. Well, that gmail account was one I hadn't used in years as I was going to replace it with my HN profile contact email, but never did. I often create a burner gmail account for social media accounts and use the same password as the social media login. I've changed my passwords, but figured I'd ask here to warn others of a possible security breach.

New ask Hacker News story: Tell HN: DanBC has died

Tell HN: DanBC has died 9 by in_memoriam | 0 comments on Hacker News. I am sorry to announce that long-time HN user DanBC died last month after a prolonged period of ill health. May his legacy continue to inspire, and his contributions to this place and the wider world be remembered. Rest in peace, Dan. "Sadly Dan Beale Cocks, the wonderful Co-Chair of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Partnership Board died on 21 August 2024 after a long illness. Dan made a fantastic contribution to improving mental health and coproduction in Gloucestershire for many years and he will be greatly missed. Before Dan died, we asked if we could plan an annual Dan Beale Cocks Celebration of Best Practice in Coproduction and he was delighted with the idea. It is intended to take this forward in collaboration with the other Partnership Boards."

New ask Hacker News story: Algorithm

Algorithm 2 by BouaziziSam | 2 comments on Hacker News. Haw to sell an innovative Algorithm wich can be a solution of traveling Sales Problem(TSP)?

New ask Hacker News story: How to clone by commit found via commit referencing to different fork on GitHub?

How to clone by commit found via commit referencing to different fork on GitHub? 2 by sdnews | 0 comments on Hacker News. Hi, I'm sure everyone read an article "Anyone can Access Deleted and Private Repository Data on GitHub" But how to clone the repository with found deleted commit pointing to different fork repository? Let me explain what I mean: I found the webpage-gui providing streaming of videos: which is based on deleted repository: so I couldn't see the source code of this. But then I remembered this article and followed it's logic I found latest scraped version of that repository on github via and then navigating to latest commit there: so I have a commit but I can't access it directly using github because it is deleted. But I could find via the forks of that repository: and then I went through the list and I&#

New ask Hacker News story: HP blocks printing with non-HP inks

HP blocks printing with non-HP inks 3 by ColinWright | 5 comments on Hacker News. From Joshua Weiner, replying to his friend Darin[0]: I was printing worksheets for my classes and ran out of colored ink. The printer had plenty of black ink. HP internet blocked my printer saying I purchased colored ink that was not HP brand. So what?? Anyway, I had reinstalled HP ink for black ($40 approx) but had no money to buy colored ink so I left the empty HP cartridges in the printer. I only needed to print black and white worksheets. HP blocked me from printing anyway, with a wireless message. I called customer support and told them I don’t need the colored ink. I need to get these worksheets to the students. They told me I violated the HP ink rule and had installed non-HP ink a few months ago. I told them well… yeah I did that purchase but HP printer rejected the cheaper brand and I threw them away. They said it is noted… I told them who cares all the HP ink is now in place and I need to use

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Must-Read Books for Startups?

Ask HN: Must-Read Books for Startups? 3 by dmazin | 0 comments on Hacker News. I recently read The Mom Test, and I learned something critical: before investing in your idea, talk to potential customers to see if anyone wants it or not. While this might seem obvious, it wasn’t to me. The first time I started something in my 20s, I was so enamored with the idea and its potential that I didn’t validate it! So, The Mom Test is obviously crucial reading. There are so many other books and resources out there. Which of them would you consider crucial? Which contain crucial lessons?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Former gifted children with hard lives, how did you turn out?

Ask HN: Former gifted children with hard lives, how did you turn out? 2 by askHN2024 | 1 comments on Hacker News. For various life reasons, I developed depression, and I am autistic and have ADHD (diagnosed, treated). I didn’t get treatment for my ADHD till after college. The point of this Ask HN isn’t to start a pity party, but I am just getting some data on how others like me are doing. I have an ACE score of 6. Currently, I look accomplished to people, but I don’t feel accomplished. My estimated networth is maybe 300K or more with home equity. My biggest concern with my quality of life is I don’t feel safe (don’t ask). So what’s your ACE score, and how satisfied are you with your life? ACE quiz:

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What's the best documentation site you've come across?

Ask HN: What's the best documentation site you've come across? 2 by sawirricardo | 0 comments on Hacker News. I think back then devs seems to praise Stripe's docs site. Is it still relevant right now?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How Are People Designing Apps in the Age of AI?

Ask HN: How Are People Designing Apps in the Age of AI? 2 by hhimanshu | 1 comments on Hacker News. In the age of AI, I’m curious to know how people are designing apps, especially if they’re solo founders or small teams. Are there tools out there that can help design app workflows from end to end? What does the process look like for solopreneurs who are juggling both development and design? Specifically, with frameworks like TailwindUI, TailwindCSS, and ShadCN being mature and widely available, why does designing quickly and efficiently still feel like a challenge? Is there a gap between the tooling available and the ability to build great UX fast? Also, how do people handle UX variants when designing and iterating on their apps? Do tools exist that simplify managing and testing different versions of the UI? Would love to hear about how people are approaching app design, especially in small or one-person teams, and whether there are tools or processes that bridge this gap effectivel

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Where are you hosting your Postgres database in 2024?

Ask HN: Where are you hosting your Postgres database in 2024? 3 by pier25 | 3 comments on Hacker News.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What are some good papers and textbooks about modern filesystems?

Ask HN: What are some good papers and textbooks about modern filesystems? 4 by craftsman | 0 comments on Hacker News. I'm interested to learn about modern high-performance filesystems. Are there some good papers and textbooks that I should read? I'm interested in everything below the filesystem abstraction down to, and including, the physical storage.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Should I open source my licensing server?

Ask HN: Should I open source my licensing server? 4 by keepamovin | 7 comments on Hacker News. Recently developed an in-house "zero trust" license server based on PKI idea, blockchains, and proof-of-time, to convert a regular "vendor hosted" license server, into one that can be hosted on the buyer side. A lot of anti-piracy goes into obfuscation, and while I consider that defense-in-depth, I also consider obfuscating client-controlled code useless, and tried to make the system depend on cryptographic guarantees as much as possible. No such system where possibly adversarial clients control the license server, especially in an offline scenario, is perfect, but with immutable secure logs, and PKI chain of trust through a hierarchy of root authorities, I think we have a fairly solid approach. Open sourcing might lay bare some flaws which could be fixed. Or it might lay bare some flaws which could be exploited. This is mostly theoretical, we will probably not OSS it r

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Is a Masters in CS/Engineering worth it for a mid-career PM?

Ask HN: Is a Masters in CS/Engineering worth it for a mid-career PM? 3 by deeptechdreamer | 0 comments on Hacker News. I’m a PM & designer in his late 30s who is itching to get into deep tech (BCI, AI, aerospace, medtech, etc). I have no background in engineering and am considering pursuing a masters either in CS or similar. Has anyone here done this mid-career? Was it worth it?

New ask Hacker News story: How Should I Price a Python Module License for Major Banks?

How Should I Price a Python Module License for Major Banks? 5 by mafellows | 4 comments on Hacker News. I have an opportunity to license a Python module to several major banking institutions—some of the largest in the world. Typically, we offer this software as a web app, but these banks need a local module to run within their own environments. Here's the situation: - Product: A Python module that performs complex analysis on source code and generates a risk assessment. - Usage: It will be integrated into their CI/CD pipelines, and developers can also run it manually. - User Base: About 50 users per institution, mostly small, specialized teams. - Updates: We'll provide quarterly updates as we continue to develop the tool. I'm trying to figure out how to price this. I don't want to set a price that's either prohibitively expensive or too low, especially since I haven't licensed source code to clients of this scale before. For those with experience in this area

New ask Hacker News story: Ideas to make money as solo dev

Ideas to make money as solo dev 3 by rafbgarcia | 2 comments on Hacker News. Hey ya! What struggles do y'all face that could be solved by a product that could be maintained by a solo dev? Not trying to make huge amounts of money, just want to build something that actually helps people, and could eventually give some money in return. I've been thinking about a unified API for file uploads for companies to easily integrate with S3, Azure blob, etc. using a single API. They could use multiple providers, migrate from one cloud to another, resumable uploads, maybe get insights about savings if they migrate to other providers, etc. I felt the need for something like that while developing a serverless product since functions have memory limitations and can't upload big files. What do y'all think, could that be useful? I appreciate any other insights or ideas. Thank you!

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How many browser bookmarks do you have? What managers do you use for it?

Ask HN: How many browser bookmarks do you have? What managers do you use for it? 2 by Al_Ptr | 0 comments on Hacker News. Hello. I'm making a browser extension that groups tabs and bookmarks with similar content. And I'm conducting some user research. Could you help with it?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Are Open Source Projects Products?

Ask HN: Are Open Source Projects Products? 2 by richardjennings | 0 comments on Hacker News. I would like to know if Open Source Projects can or should be considered Products.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Does Tim Berners-Lee's vision for the Solid project hold up today?

Ask HN: Does Tim Berners-Lee's vision for the Solid project hold up today? 3 by fallinditch | 0 comments on Hacker News. If you search for information about data sovereignty, privacy, data portability, digital identity standards, etc then you end up with Sir Tim's initiative called Solid [1] and it's commercial arm Inrupt. Solid received some criticism [2] around practical implementation and the difficulties of achieving widespread adoption. Has Sir Tim's vision for Web 3.0 turned out to be a dead duck or is it a viable and practical technology that app developers are adopting? If not Solid, then what are the best practices and technologies for building with data sovereignty and portability? [1] [2]

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How do you sync ongoing browser work between desktop and laptop?

Ask HN: How do you sync ongoing browser work between desktop and laptop? 5 by wtcactus | 9 comments on Hacker News. For a long time now, I have both a Work Desktop and a Work/Personal Laptop (both are company issued, but I have full control over both of them). The laptop runs macOS, the Desktop runs Linux (I can install whatever). Also, I'm mostly doing DevOps these days. When it comes to code, I just do the normal approach of using a git branch, and most of the time I just SSH into the Desktop and run it from there. So, that pain point is solved. My biggest, always ongoing problem, is to sync what I'm doing/researching in the browser. The best workflow I've found, is to have a mix of open tabs and spaces sync automatically. But it's a difficult setup to come by. Let me explain. Before, I used to use a Chrome (now Firefox as well) plugin, named workona [1]. This was great if it worked properly all the times. But it doesn't, it's quite buggy. Then, Edge added

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Is there currently a Linux compatible kernel being written in Rust?

Ask HN: Is there currently a Linux compatible kernel being written in Rust? 4 by John23832 | 3 comments on Hacker News. Given all the brouhaha surrounding the stonewalling of efforts to support rust in the Linux kernel, are there any alternatives being written in rust?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Any hope for removable, rechargable battery standards?

Ask HN: Any hope for removable, rechargable battery standards? 8 by candiddevmike | 10 comments on Hacker News. I have so many batteries for things like power tools, vacuum cleaners, and even some kid toys that all seem like they have similar volt/amps but are not interchangeable. None of the adapters are the same, and it's getting harder to find replacements online for the more niche battery types. Will we ever see something like B&Ds battery packs standardized so I can have a whole rack of them and use them with everything? Seems nuts to think about if we didn't have AA/AAA batteries and every company had their own standard...

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Is the Job Market That Bad?

Ask HN: Is the Job Market That Bad? 6 by warkanlock | 2 comments on Hacker News. I haven’t been job hunting in a while, but I’ve noticed many of my friends and family struggling just to land interviews. Most are well-qualified and can easily pass initial phone screenings, yet they face challenges in progressing further or even securing a first meeting. Previously, my LinkedIn profile used to be flooded with job offers, but now it’s nearly silent. It seems this trend isn’t limited to software jobs alone. What are your thoughts on this?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Are you using a Gemini browser? Would you follow a link if posted on HN?

Ask HN: Are you using a Gemini browser? Would you follow a link if posted on HN? 5 by urlwolf | 0 comments on Hacker News. Gemini is a new protocol, which acts as a replacement for HTTP. Its accompanying markup language, Gemtext, is an extremely stripped down version of markdown and acts as a replacement for HTML. Gemspace is in early days, but I find I like write there much more than in the open web. I've been using an http proxy so that I can post my writings here, and I wonder if I could, one day, just post a gemspace link. Would you follow it? Links look like this: gemini://

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Are Medium/PH/IndieHackers outdated for startups?

Ask HN: Are Medium/PH/IndieHackers outdated for startups? 4 by stefanneculai | 1 comments on Hacker News. I believe cool tools of yesterday for startup (Medium, PH, Indihackers) became outdated and people are moving more and more towards X. What do you think?

New ask Hacker News story: Excalidraw's AI Tool – useful and underrated

Excalidraw's AI Tool – useful and underrated 2 by Olshansky | 0 comments on Hacker News. tl;dr Easy 10x on generating sequence diagrams, flow charts and system diagrams. I tweeted about using Excalidraw's AI tool recently: I have a hunch that because it's not a standalone tool or a GitHub repo, it didn't get the love it deserved. Aside from ChatGPT/Claude and Supermaven/Copilot, this has been one of the best AI tools I use on an almost daily basis. Anytime I need to build a diagram, the first 50% (if not more) is done with this tool. I even have the option of a mermaid diagram for our docs or a pretty diagram for marketing material. Like any AI tool, don't expect it to be perfect or get you 100% of the way there, but it will definitely save you some time and solve the blank page problem.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Running Linux on an Old MacBook

Ask HN: Running Linux on an Old MacBook 4 by rpastuszak | 1 comments on Hacker News. I have a 2016 MBP sitting in my living room plugged into my projector and audio receiver. I was thinking about a quick weekend project where I'd turn it into a home cinema Linux box + a basic NAS. I'm a compulsive yak-shaver/bike shed renovator so before I risk getting stuck tinkering -- what distro/setup do you recommend? Is the process as fiddly as it used to be a decade ago?

New ask Hacker News story: Tobacco Free Hiring Practice

Tobacco Free Hiring Practice 2 by danielschreber | 0 comments on Hacker News. Today I saw a job description for a remote developer/analyst position that had the following statement: "Where permitted by applicable state law, [company name] will not hire any candidate who uses tobacco or any nicotine product." I don't know what to say except that minutes ago I was wavering in my decision to leave IT.

New ask Hacker News story: How can I make the whole web look like Hacker News?

How can I make the whole web look like Hacker News? 3 by olaadeus1 | 0 comments on Hacker News. I wish I could strip all websites of their css and just have it be links, text, buttons and images. While I can disable css using code in devtools, often it just breaks the site functionality. Is there a solution to my problem?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Why should I learn Rust?

Ask HN: Why should I learn Rust? 2 by jdthedisciple | 0 comments on Hacker News. What would be a compelling reason to learn Rust for someone with a strong C# and MS Windows-oriented development background? And what would be a great introductory Rust project for me to immediately appreciate and understand its benefits over other programming languages?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How Can I Quickly Launch My Web Product and Attract Target Users?

Ask HN: How Can I Quickly Launch My Web Product and Attract Target Users? 2 by PeterHuber | 0 comments on Hacker News. Hi everyone, I’ve just finished developing my web software product, but as a solo developer without an existing fanbase, I’m starting from scratch. I’m looking for practical advice and guidance on how to effectively launch my product and attract my target audience. Specifically, I’d love insights on: (1) Marketing Strategies: What are the most effective ways to get my product in front of potential users? (2) Social Media & Community Engagement: Which platforms should I focus on for maximum reach? (3) Gathering User Feedback: What are the best methods to quickly gather user feedback for improvements? I appreciate any tips, resources, or personal experiences you can share. Thank you!

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What and where are the new AI jobs?

Ask HN: What and where are the new AI jobs? 2 by WheelsAtLarge | 0 comments on Hacker News. I'm interested in switching from coding to AI. Any suggestions on where to start? What's the career path? What are the jobs I should look into?

New ask Hacker News story: IBM Pushing Apache2 License onto all qiskit repositories on GitHub

IBM Pushing Apache2 License onto all qiskit repositories on GitHub 2 by spicywasabi | 0 comments on Hacker News. Noticed this the other day, several users who appear to work for IBM have been pushing the Apache2 license onto users who have used a specific library. It appears automated and some of these repos haven't been worked on in years. Not sure what the end goal is for IBM to push this, but its very strange to see. It appears to be automated in some way because empty repos are even getting hit: You can see the full list here where many repos are happily applying Apache2. Since Apache2 is pretty permissive doesn't this mean IBM can utilize these libraries as they see fit internally?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Why is working with contenteditable is so hard?

Ask HN: Why is working with contenteditable is so hard? 4 by raxrb | 2 comments on Hacker News. How to reliably insert text across input fields, contenteditable divs etc across various websites in the browser via a Chrome extension or a desktop app? I am working on an accessibility application, and that application should do two things: 1. When a user presses a certain button, the current location at which the cursor is, whatever the user is saying should be inserted. 2. If the user issues commands like "delete last line" certain parts of the text could be deleted. How can I build this? I have a few ideas in my mind: - First option is simulating keystrokes, but the problem with this is if the text is longer, it is going to take a longer time to insert, but modifying the text will be a problem. - Second, I was thinking of simulating selection and pasting using ctrl-A and ctrl v, It will work for the insertion for empty fields but the problem is if there is already some text

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Intro to Game Development path for a 12 year old?

Ask HN: Intro to Game Development path for a 12 year old? 3 by throwaway_switc | 0 comments on Hacker News. My 12 year old is certainly interested in tech. He's in a STEM school and interested in the curriculum. He's also quite interested in _playing_ video games, so I'd like to utilize that passion to get him more involved in software development. I'm an experienced software dev myself, but have zero knowledge of video game development. He has a Switch, and I'm trying to find an engaging online course that will ideally result in him creating a Switch game (to get him familiar with concepts of software development with a major focus on game dev). Not sure where to start, other than a Unity or Unreal course, but I'm not sure which engine is best for a Switch, or what course(s) are a good starting point for a 12 year old.

New ask Hacker News story: Tell HN: Burnout is bad to your brain, take care

Tell HN: Burnout is bad to your brain, take care 6 by tuyguntn | 0 comments on Hacker News. I am depressed and burned out for quite some time already, unfortunately my brain still couldn't recover from it. If I summarize the impact of burnout to my brain: - Before: I could learn things pretty quickly, come up with solutions to the problems, even be able to see common patterns and see bigger underlying problems - After: can't learn, can't work, can't remember, can't see solutions for trivial problems (e.g. if your shirt is wet, you can change it, but I stare at it thinking when it is going to get dried up) Take care of your mental health

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Who wants to collaborate (thread) – 5 Sep 2024

Ask HN: Who wants to collaborate (thread) – 5 Sep 2024 4 by purple-leafy | 3 comments on Hacker News. Want to find people to collaborate with on projects? Ask here. Share: 1) Skill/s 2) Area/s of interest 3) Medium/s 4) Timeline 5) Timezone 6) For: Fun | Profit | Learning 7) An idea/s (if you have one)

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Do single people quickly get bored of being rich?

Ask HN: Do single people quickly get bored of being rich? 2 by amichail | 1 comments on Hacker News. Maybe single people find that investing their money is more enjoyable than spending it on themselves?

New ask Hacker News story: OS for Secure Containers?

OS for Secure Containers? 3 by nicecars | 1 comments on Hacker News. If I need to isolate containers, which is the best OS for containers when security is important: Bottle Rocket, Container Optimized OS or Flatcar and PhotonOS? And why is that? What features, for example, are they protected by?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Security risks when buying mini-PCs/PCs from unknown vendors?

Ask HN: Security risks when buying mini-PCs/PCs from unknown vendors? 3 by bmer | 1 comments on Hacker News. I was looking at [Low Cost Mini PCs]( a few days ago, and saw comments recommending vendors such as Beelink or Minisforum. These companies are relatively unknown compared to companies like Lenovo, Dell, HP, etc. My guess as a layman would be that that Lenovo is not likely to try and "compromise" the hardware it sells (e.g. with additional chips that are meant to "phone home", or otherwise store data in some retrievable way) because that would damage their reputation and hence their business. But a relatively unknown vendor might not have such a concern? So I wonder: * are my concerns even realistic? * if so: how does one evaluate security risks that exist when buying PCs from "relatively unknown" vendors?

New ask Hacker News story: Tell HN: GitHub locked me out for not using 2FA

Tell HN: GitHub locked me out for not using 2FA 2 by GoblinSlayer | 3 comments on Hacker News. Effectively 2fa is now mandatory for all accounts, not only commiters. If you didn't configure 2fa yet, the time has come to do it. PS: I didn't see this news, so posting it, sorry if I'm slow

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: I don't want to be a Software Engineer any more. What else could I do?

Ask HN: I don't want to be a Software Engineer any more. What else could I do? 6 by trwhite | 6 comments on Hacker News. To those who left software to do something else, what did you do?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Is fundamental CS about topics in which you can't make breakthroughs?

Ask HN: Is fundamental CS about topics in which you can't make breakthroughs? 3 by amichail | 2 comments on Hacker News. And if so, does that make it difficult to be interested in fundamental CS, since you wouldn't be able to improve the state of the art in any meaningful way?

New ask Hacker News story: Making progress on routing security: the new White House roadmap

Making progress on routing security: the new White House roadmap 2 by emot | 0 comments on Hacker News.

New ask Hacker News story: Does anyone integrate with their customers' DB directly?

Does anyone integrate with their customers' DB directly? 2 by johnyeocx | 5 comments on Hacker News. Hey all, integrations with third-party SaaS vendors are super common these days, especially with all the AI tools complementing and enriching SaaS platforms, but as the title states, I'm curious to hear if anyone integrates directly with their customers' data store like Supabase, Snowflake, etc. In my last startup, we were building a chargeback management tool for fintechs, and essentially whenever a chargeback came in, we'd only get the transaction ID, so we'd have to query the fintech's database to search for that transaction ID and pull additional data points like name of seller, email of seller, etc. Now, when we did this, it was more of a scrappy workaround to the fintech not being able to dedicate engineering resources to send data to an API endpoint of ours. However, after a while, I thought to myself, there's nothing wrong with querying the fintech

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Any Recommendations Around Programming on an iPad?

Ask HN: Any Recommendations Around Programming on an iPad? 2 by lumBerry | 2 comments on Hacker News. In particular, trying to learn C and run basic code snippets/small programs on my iPad.

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How do Indie makers and solopreneurs get back into 9 to 5 again?

Ask HN: How do Indie makers and solopreneurs get back into 9 to 5 again? 3 by sarvpriy | 2 comments on Hacker News. I was working in a seed stage B2B startup. But it didn’t go well. Their potential customers lost interest in the product. And I was the one who did all the Product research and built the entire backend infra. Which gave me confidence to build my own SAAS. After doing some research about which Saas to build. I decided to go with a Social media manager. But very soon I realized that it is not a small project as I thought in the beginning. Then I built a simple feedback management tool that can be embedded in the site. In that process I read a lot of books on building a SAAS like Rework, the lean startup, Traction and many more. So I was aware of this developer’s hell. Questions like “Just one more feature, just one more change on the Home page, just one more line of code. Why would anyone use it. It can be built by anyone. What's so special about it.” came across my

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Is it still a thing to receive payment via direct bank transfer in SaaS?

Ask HN: Is it still a thing to receive payment via direct bank transfer in SaaS? 2 by sawirricardo | 3 comments on Hacker News. WordPress WooCommerce still provide this way to enable store owners receive payments like this. Is it still a thing?

New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Where do you subscribe to published journal topics?

Ask HN: Where do you subscribe to published journal topics? 2 by hhthrowaway1230 | 1 comments on Hacker News. Hey all trying to track all published journals. Is there something like a place or rss for all published journals? thank you!