Ask HN: How are you securely onboarding people remotely? 5 by davezatch | 0 comments on Hacker News. Hey HN, I'm the Engineering Director for a company in Beriln that currently has ~40 engineers. We're hiring right now, and between Corona and the fact that lots of big players like FB are pushing remote work, I want to embrace our brave new world head-on. As an engineering team, we're currently struggling with how to bring on people we may not meet in person for many months, in a safe and secure and trusting way. We are, at least for the forseeable future, going to be a hybrid on-site and remote team. I know that has drawbacks, but, well, everything has drawbacks :) We have smart people and can probably figure this out, but I would rather avoid easy mistakes if possible, so I'm reaching out to the hive mind. I'm curious about things like: - What kind of tooling/processes have companies implemented as they go more remote? What changes have had a big impact? - How r...