New ask Hacker News story: Tell HN: The most recent Chrome update seems to have deleted all my passwords
Tell HN: The most recent Chrome update seems to have deleted all my passwords
3 by anigbrowl | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I typically run two browsers - my default for most web surfing, and Chrome for when I need to access /be logged into Google services, do financial transactions etc. Because it used to be my main browser, I have a lot of passwords there going back 10-15 years. Password storage is local only, no cloud. Occasionally I will switch to Chrome and open the password manager to look up a password a third party website I don't use very often. I went to do this yesterday and was surprised to discover that all my stored passwords had vanished without a trace. Ironically enough, the address bar still has a memory of the last time I looked up a password for a different site! All my other history is untouched. I can only assume this is tied to the most recent update which allows password sharing with mobile devices; the only extensions on this browser are Ad Block pro and a submission bookmarklet for the Wayback Machine. Nobody else has access to this computer, nor is Chrome synced with anything else. It's not too big of a deal for me as I can retrieve most of data from the machine I used before I migrated to this one, but it was a nasty surprise.
3 by anigbrowl | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I typically run two browsers - my default for most web surfing, and Chrome for when I need to access /be logged into Google services, do financial transactions etc. Because it used to be my main browser, I have a lot of passwords there going back 10-15 years. Password storage is local only, no cloud. Occasionally I will switch to Chrome and open the password manager to look up a password a third party website I don't use very often. I went to do this yesterday and was surprised to discover that all my stored passwords had vanished without a trace. Ironically enough, the address bar still has a memory of the last time I looked up a password for a different site! All my other history is untouched. I can only assume this is tied to the most recent update which allows password sharing with mobile devices; the only extensions on this browser are Ad Block pro and a submission bookmarklet for the Wayback Machine. Nobody else has access to this computer, nor is Chrome synced with anything else. It's not too big of a deal for me as I can retrieve most of data from the machine I used before I migrated to this one, but it was a nasty surprise.
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