New ask Hacker News story: Tell HN: I am no longer worried about losing the use of my hands

Tell HN: I am no longer worried about losing the use of my hands
4 by elliotbnvl | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I have done well as a programmer. My biggest job-related concern has been sustaining an injury to my hands that prevents me from typing, which would prevent me from doing my job and end my career potentially. With Cursor, Claude Sonnet 3.7 and OpenAI's Whisper model, I am no longer worried about that. I'm aware there are solutions for people with voice to text already, but they seem very challenging to learn to work with, and I always wondered if I'd have to patience to work with one if the time ever came. I'm good now! Edit: I'm curious if anybody with hand-related disabilities has switched their workflow from one of the aforementioned tools to Whisper / Cursor?


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