New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What note taking app do you guys using as a developer?

Ask HN: What note taking app do you guys using as a developer?
2 by rahmansahinler1 | 2 comments on Hacker News.
As a developer building my own product, I take a lot of notes—code snippets, Linux commands, and general technical info. I've tried many apps, but none feel just right. Here’s what I think a good note-taking app must have: A note section where I can add text and images Easy organization with sections A quick search to find related notes A bonus would be the ability to retrieve answers from my notes. Right now, I'm using MS OneNote, which works well for the first two. But as my notes grow, finding the right one becomes a challenge. Do you guys face the same issue? What methods or apps do you use?


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