New ask Hacker News story: Social Trust Score
Social Trust Score
2 by bruhmanfiflo | 8 comments on Hacker News.
So I have this idea for what's called a Social Trust score. The idea is that it's a system built around identity verification ("Is this person who they say they are?")and trustworthiness ("Can I trust this person?")using real interactions and connections. A few examples of use cases for this system are: Dating, a user can verify their date and know that they are meeting a fairly trustworthy person based on a combination score of personal connections + social connections + professional connections + some type of time factor. Goods exchange(online or in person), this person scams vs this person is extremely trustworthy. Roommates, while in NY, I was paired with 3 roommates I'd never met before and placed on one lease. It would have been nice to be able to know if "This person is an exceptional roommate vs this person seemed nice at first but then recked my life, my credit, then my dog." the list can go on. I can already hear the "ewwwww" in the room, but here's how the system could be great. -The system is built on the basis of fostering good behavior. Not just, "you did something bad" but, "you did something wrong, here's how you can fix it", basically providing actionable ways to improve ones behavior and self. -Every trust score is tied to verified meetings or transactions that requires both parties to confirm the interaction happened. -The system will have built in "gaming" safeguards. Users can't use the system to harm another user's Trust score, businesses can't harm users vice versa and etc. -Network based connections categorized and weighted by context(family, personal, social, professional[+time factor]) based on actual connections and meetings. No I just met this person but they can vouch for me. Yes, they're a classmate, I don't know them but have seen how they interact with others. These are some of my thoughts just trying to hear others thoughts on the subject and the ideas.
2 by bruhmanfiflo | 8 comments on Hacker News.
So I have this idea for what's called a Social Trust score. The idea is that it's a system built around identity verification ("Is this person who they say they are?")and trustworthiness ("Can I trust this person?")using real interactions and connections. A few examples of use cases for this system are: Dating, a user can verify their date and know that they are meeting a fairly trustworthy person based on a combination score of personal connections + social connections + professional connections + some type of time factor. Goods exchange(online or in person), this person scams vs this person is extremely trustworthy. Roommates, while in NY, I was paired with 3 roommates I'd never met before and placed on one lease. It would have been nice to be able to know if "This person is an exceptional roommate vs this person seemed nice at first but then recked my life, my credit, then my dog." the list can go on. I can already hear the "ewwwww" in the room, but here's how the system could be great. -The system is built on the basis of fostering good behavior. Not just, "you did something bad" but, "you did something wrong, here's how you can fix it", basically providing actionable ways to improve ones behavior and self. -Every trust score is tied to verified meetings or transactions that requires both parties to confirm the interaction happened. -The system will have built in "gaming" safeguards. Users can't use the system to harm another user's Trust score, businesses can't harm users vice versa and etc. -Network based connections categorized and weighted by context(family, personal, social, professional[+time factor]) based on actual connections and meetings. No I just met this person but they can vouch for me. Yes, they're a classmate, I don't know them but have seen how they interact with others. These are some of my thoughts just trying to hear others thoughts on the subject and the ideas.
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