New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Business logic is slowing us down

Ask HN: Business logic is slowing us down
3 by headwind | 4 comments on Hacker News.
As developers, we're caught between keeping up with our internal stakeholders (operations, business, and data teams) and satisfying external end users. We spend a nontrivial amount of time maintaining our code to keep up with complex, ever-changing business logic. Do we really need a code change for changing what triggers which user notifications or for updating how something gets named/logged in the database? Unfortunately, maintaining code is also not considered valuable work. We're valued for pushing out new features, and keeping existing features up to date with changing business logic is considered short work. To be great devs, we need to understand our users (including internal stakeholders) and our industry domain. But we also need a better way to empower business teams to control and manage the business logic, while clearing the runway for devs to build the next feature. How has your team handled this?


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