New ask Hacker News story: Should I fight a forced resignation?

Should I fight a forced resignation?
5 by 0xtaj | 9 comments on Hacker News.
I was offered a resignation today in my role with a State Government organization. Should I fight it? The facts: 1. The role is 5 hours away. I was commuting on a weekly basis to the office, every Tue-Thur and did 10 hours a day on site. 2. I was remote on Mondays, and off on Fridays. 3. I was still in my state-mandated probation of 1 year. 4. There has not been a documented issue. IE: there was never anything that I signed that said I was deficient in an area of my job. 5. There was one undocumented issue about 7 months in that I received a verbal counseling for. Again, nothing formal, and it was a personality conflict between myself and another manager/supervisor. I have already been interviewing for other roles and had a final interview that I thought went well, but am waiting for the offer. On one hand, it doesn’t really seem worth it to “fight” it, but on the other hand, I haven’t ever been formally counseld/written up. Look forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts. Thank you.


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