New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Those who quit their jobs to bootstrap. How did it go?

Ask HN: Those who quit their jobs to bootstrap. How did it go?
2 by florida_man | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I am very interested in bootstrapping as at least from the outside it looks a lot more like what I want to do compared to what I am currently doing (Software Engineering for FANG). I have no aspirations of becoming a Software Architect/Director etc; and Bootstrapping just feels nice. 1. Did you already have revenue before you quit? 2. How many pivots did it take for you to get the 1st dollar? 3. How was revenue growth like? 4. Did you/ do you want to go back to Software Engineering? 5. Did you do it Solo or with a friend? 6. What's your story?


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