New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Choosing Between Two Jobs

Ask HN: Choosing Between Two Jobs
2 by leinkasorafkt | 2 comments on Hacker News.
i have a good job with a lot of freedom and an amazing manager with whom i go way back, but am struggling more and more with some of the people i work with. the defacto leader of our group/team (he has no actual managerial title or responsibilities) belittles or speaks over people all the time, not just me. his verbal output is easily 80% of the total in any given meeting or forum. sometimes i will just skip meetings because my presence won't have an impact anyway. there's another who guy will talk at length in every standup about every little detail that he got done the previous day and also has a habit of interrupting others. the other team members are the complete opposite and terrific to work alongside. any ideas i have are either dismissed outright or pawned off later as someone else's. i know that if i start saying something in a meeting i won't be able to finish my train of thought or the idea won't be accepted anyway. due to this i rarely speak up anymore and just do miscellaneous coding work / refactoring. overall this leads to less potential "recognition" throughout any given year or project and i fear it will be detrimental to my career long-term. i am looking at this other job. the salary looks to be around 85% of my current. do i really want to make back the salary deficit with more time spent in the office (overtime)? maybe the devil you know is better than the one you don't.


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