New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How to prove we aren't the source of a noise complaint?

Ask HN: How to prove we aren't the source of a noise complaint?
4 by blackhaj7 | 6 comments on Hacker News.
We live in an apartment building and the neighbor below has complained on 3 occasions now that there is lots of noise coming from our apartment. My wife and I are incredibly boring and are absolutely certain the source of the noise is not us. We never have guests over, we haven't moved any furniture, we don't stay up late, nor do we bang our feet etc. For example, they complained about banging between 3am - 7am last night when we were in bed early due to me being ill so we were 100% not the source of that noise. However, it is hard to prove and I am concerned that if this turns into something more serious and they want to take action we will need to prove the noise isn't coming from us. Do you have any recommendations on how I can gather evidence? E.g. sound/video recording devices that you can recommend that allow us to record our lack of noise in a low effort way? We have a camera in our living room which we use to check on our dog when we are out but this only has a setting to record when there is motion (I have turned this on just in case but I would like something more comprehensive)


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