New ask Hacker News story: Tell HN: It is now impossible to dismiss shorts from your Youtube feed
Tell HN: It is now impossible to dismiss shorts from your Youtube feed
20 by atum47 | 24 comments on Hacker News.
There's no way to run from shorts - [1]. Recommendations getting worse every day. The search is a joke. You win YouTube, I'm cancelling my subscription. Not gonna pay you money to watch the things you want me to watch. 1 - P.s.: I've been collecting screenshots to illustrate everything I'm complaining I'm this post, but they are in my PC and honestly I don't think think anyone will care about this. Maybe later I'll post them here. Here's a video you me trying to search for something on YouTube -
20 by atum47 | 24 comments on Hacker News.
There's no way to run from shorts - [1]. Recommendations getting worse every day. The search is a joke. You win YouTube, I'm cancelling my subscription. Not gonna pay you money to watch the things you want me to watch. 1 - P.s.: I've been collecting screenshots to illustrate everything I'm complaining I'm this post, but they are in my PC and honestly I don't think think anyone will care about this. Maybe later I'll post them here. Here's a video you me trying to search for something on YouTube -
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