New ask Hacker News story: Fix Mac Mini static screen on wake from sleep by pressing Esc

Fix Mac Mini static screen on wake from sleep by pressing Esc
2 by seam_carver | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Intermittently, about once a day, when waking my Mac Mini M2 from sleep, I'll get full screen static instead of the lock screen. A google search indicates this is a common issue with the HDMI port on the Mac Mini, especially but not exclusive to 1080p DVI. You can fix it by simply pressing the Esc key to turn off the display. Then pressing any other key will bring up the lock screen as normal. For reference, I'm using a 1080p DVI monitor. I'm using an HDMI-DVI cable. I've tried 2 cables, a 2m one and a 1.5m one. My screen is too far away to use a 1m cable. Safe mode makes no difference. This is much more convenient then prior solutions, which include power cycling monitor, unplugging the HDMI, waiting ~20 seconds, or using a USB-C to DVI cable.


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