New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Advice for turning my side project into a real business

Ask HN: Advice for turning my side project into a real business
2 by sounds231 | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I’m a product-focused dev with 10 years experience at a-list startups. For the last few years I’ve been working on a side project. It has some traction and makes ~$600/mo even though my current product is pretty raw. I’ve recently put a lot of thought into the product and realized that there is a real gap in the market that I can fill and make this into a real business. This requires a pretty significant amount of work, which I’m slowly chipping away at with 2-3 hours per day. Of course there may be unknown unknowns but the path to something like ~$1M/yr seems very clear to me. Circumstances at my current day job have been getting progressively worse and I think it’s time to move on. I’m not full-burnout unhappy (yet), but getting more resentful every day. Unfortunately I don’t have enough cash saved up for significant runway. I’m 35 with family and living in the US so eating ramen and sleeping on a friends couch isn’t an option. I’m trying to figure out my options. Maybe try to find angel funding. Maybe a business loan (is that even a thing?). Or should I just grind it out and stick with my current job. Appreciate any and all advice. Especially if you’ve been in my position


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