New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How to figure out a good direction/goals for the year ahead?
Ask HN: How to figure out a good direction/goals for the year ahead?
22 by ChildOfChaos | 18 comments on Hacker News.
I always tend to fall into the trap of overthinking this. As someone that can always perceive all different angles and options when thinking about something, it's something I really struggle with and I become overwhelmed. I'm very interested in the idea of having a great year, being ambitious, achieving a lot in that year etc, really moving my life forward rather than languishing but I always struggle to articulate what that would mean, how I should achieve that, what I need to change etc and when I start trying to think about it, I quickly become overwhelmed. My excitement and interest in doing this, quickly becomes a hindrance as my perfectionist tendencies tend to kick in and I try to look at it from every angle and have no idea what I should do. I read articles / watch youtube videos and everyone has a different process and different journaling prompts etc, that just make me want to throw up. I guess I'm just not really good at self awareness, but I do have a clear desire to want to do something and to be able to move forward, but defining this, defining what really matters, figuring out what standards I have to hold myself too, how I need to think, what mindsets I need, how I need to schedule myself etc, just quickly makes my head explode, to the point I think i’ve thought quite hard about this every year, but at the end of each year, i’m not sure how helpful it has really been as I don’t seem to be any further ahead than those people that seem to give zero thought to any of this, except that I wear myself out trying to think about it, because I have this desire to improve myself. Does anyone have a process they follow to cut out the noise?
22 by ChildOfChaos | 18 comments on Hacker News.
I always tend to fall into the trap of overthinking this. As someone that can always perceive all different angles and options when thinking about something, it's something I really struggle with and I become overwhelmed. I'm very interested in the idea of having a great year, being ambitious, achieving a lot in that year etc, really moving my life forward rather than languishing but I always struggle to articulate what that would mean, how I should achieve that, what I need to change etc and when I start trying to think about it, I quickly become overwhelmed. My excitement and interest in doing this, quickly becomes a hindrance as my perfectionist tendencies tend to kick in and I try to look at it from every angle and have no idea what I should do. I read articles / watch youtube videos and everyone has a different process and different journaling prompts etc, that just make me want to throw up. I guess I'm just not really good at self awareness, but I do have a clear desire to want to do something and to be able to move forward, but defining this, defining what really matters, figuring out what standards I have to hold myself too, how I need to think, what mindsets I need, how I need to schedule myself etc, just quickly makes my head explode, to the point I think i’ve thought quite hard about this every year, but at the end of each year, i’m not sure how helpful it has really been as I don’t seem to be any further ahead than those people that seem to give zero thought to any of this, except that I wear myself out trying to think about it, because I have this desire to improve myself. Does anyone have a process they follow to cut out the noise?
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