New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: I Am Looking for a Cofounder

Ask HN: I Am Looking for a Cofounder
2 by alexander2002 | 0 comments on Hacker News.
The general concept is to create an AI-first company that creates "instant apps"/"streaming apps" on the fly.It uses the users location and other metrics to create a personalized experience. Brief example:(this example is just to explain and our startup is for general purpose scenarios) Suppose,you enter into a restaurant and based on your location data and context,a mobile application is generated and you are able to view menu ,order stuff,chat with staff about your queries,see waiting time, give reviews etc.The restaurant staff will also have a application that the owner of the restaurant has assigned permissions/roles(like a discord server) and they are able to interact with customers. Current Focus for idea evaluation:(eventually to consumers) Conferences,Enterprise Clients on a small scale to evaluate if the idea is feasible or not. Goal: Use sophisticated algorithms aka "Good App Generation Algorithms" to make consumers and businesses interact effectively and efficiently. Co-founder: I will keep this bit intentionally vague .I am looking for a strong technical co-founder with good character to make this work as I am not a 10x developer by any means.Remote first is preferred. Interested co founders can email me at All criticisms are greatly appreciated so nobody has to waste their valuable time and resources.


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