New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Help testing a World-building app IDEA

Ask HN: Help testing a World-building app IDEA
3 by 1mrjackdaw | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Hey everyone, If this is an inappropriate place (or manner of asking), please let me know [ or remove this with my implied apologies]. WHAT DO YOU WANT I'm hoping DMs, authors, and the scripturally- or TTRPG-inclined will describe any features they want/find most appealing. I'm going for a critique of the product offering itself, and will also accept that it has no value to any of the target audiences. WHAT IS IT At its core, a "collaborative world-building tool." It is for people who build/use fictional worlds: for example, you can associate a character with a specific building in a specific world. Your data can be public or private. None of the uh... collaboration bits are in there yet, since I have been focused on the "world-building" part. WHO IS IT FOR Currently, three groups: - Dungeon masters (who want to plan out their worlds, locations, and characters) - Authors (same as above; with some author-specific bits; for example, you can "talk" to your characters in a limited way) - People who like reading written content of any kind WHAT ABOUT "AI"? AI assistance is designed to prompt you along your creative journey; you can use it to generate descriptions, images, or contextual creative speculation. You can also use the site without it. ANYTHING ELSE? Sorry for the long read; this has been the work of just a couple of guys (one a bit more insane than the other). I am grateful for any time you can spend on it.


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