New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Does “Effort Deflation” Demotivate? Why Not Wait for Ever Easier Tech?

Ask HN: Does “Effort Deflation” Demotivate? Why Not Wait for Ever Easier Tech?
2 by simonmesmith | 5 comments on Hacker News.
In economics, deflation causes people to delay spending, expecting future prices to be lower. I find myself experiencing a similar phenomenon with technological advancement, especially with generative AI. Considering the pace of progress, anything I think to create—whether code, imagery, videos, music, etc.—seems like it will be easier and better accomplished in 6-12 months. Unless there’s a current need (e.g., earning a paycheck), the logical choice seems to be: wait for even better technology. Does anyone relate? If so, how do you navigate it?


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