New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Anyone Feel Reddit Style Forums Are Soulless?

Ask HN: Anyone Feel Reddit Style Forums Are Soulless?
3 by CM30 | 1 comments on Hacker News.
This is a weird thought I know, especially given Hacker News uses the same sort of format. But I feel like the format of forums like that really dehumanise the folks posting there, and feel almost nothing like a community due to their design. I suspect part of it is because the lack of identifiers for accounts make it hard to tell anyone apart, and the strict separation of 'communities' about a particular topic mean you never really get to know anyone in particular, they're just names that occasionally crop up when you're reading threads about something or another. It feels like a system designed to treat members like interchangable content producers, where no one would notice if any one user left or was kicked out. Anyone else feel this way?


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