New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How do you auto-moderate FUD?

Ask HN: How do you auto-moderate FUD?
4 by omniglottal | 3 comments on Hacker News.
I've seen an increase in bad argumentation styles, with faulty/poor rhetoric and persistent what-about-ism here lately. Stuff like a purely cynical, hyperbolically dystopic, or selfish and nihilistic perception which fails to align with the moral community I previously witnessed on this site. I.e., in a conversation about the US or western democracies in general, there inevitably will be a new account asking simple, distracting questions for which the most appropriate gr retor is often something like "but, in this context, we actually don't want authoritarian governance..." Engaging with these accounts shows that they are unwilling (or else not employed to) engage in good-faith dialogue. Although this guideline applies to all, there's only one "dang" and he can only do so much. My question: are there tools/plugins/front-ends which you use to, i.e., share lists of known "shill" accounts to filter stuff like foreign state actors out of an otherwise valuable HN thread?


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