New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How do you think LLMs will affect society medium/long term?

Ask HN: How do you think LLMs will affect society medium/long term?
35 by hn_throwaway_99 | 36 comments on Hacker News.
I know obviously there is a ton of discussion about GPT-4 in the main announcement post, and while I'm blown away by a lot of these capabilities, I honestly don't understand how our capitalist system will survive this, long term. I'm not a Luddite, but it's pretty easy for me to see how this will get rid of the need for tons of jobs. People always love to say "technology replacing people has been happening since the beginning of time", but the change here (at least to me) is that the rate by which AI can fill jobs will (or has?) hit a tipping point where it will be faster than new jobs will pop up. How do other people feel about this? I've discounted tons of hype cycles in the past (crypto/Blockchain, Metaverse, etc.), even in cases where I was wrong (e.g. the importance of mobile), but this feels at least as consequential as the Internet to me.


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