New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Would a DB of startup tech stacks be valuable to you?

Ask HN: Would a DB of startup tech stacks be valuable to you?
4 by lsj0627 | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I'm imagining the user would be a Hiring Manager or Recruiter looking for Engineers. If they need Ruby Engineers with startup experience, they click the Ruby box from a tech drop-down list and the search will retrieve the startups that also use it. Ideally, you'd be able to sort by geographical area, founding year, latest funding phase, number of employees (e.g. 50-200), and more. I would also aim for matching the right area of the stack - for example, the option to pick Python AND Backend, so you don't end up with startups using Python only for Data Science/ML work. Note: I did try the StackShare API and there is no filtering feature. So if you purchase the 1,000-company plan, you have no control over what they send you. It'll be a randomly generated list of 1,000 companies that use the technology you requested, a hodgepodge of companies all around the world, big and small, new and old. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Thanks!


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