New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Parents: Best screen-time limiting software?

Ask HN: Parents: Best screen-time limiting software?
5 by hazard | 3 comments on Hacker News.
Recently I set my nine year old up with an old Linux desktop as his first real computer. Of course he is set up in the living room, no headphones, and with a kids Google account that I can fully monitor. Right now a pain point is trying to set time limits on websites (like youtubekids or because although I don't object to them per se, I also don't want him to spend hours browsing the lego website, watching videos, etc. On iOS devices there are good tools that allow granular level time blocking of websites, apps, etc. Does anyone know of any tools that allow even basic password-protected time blocking on desktop browsers, or a cross-platform (iOS/Linux) time limiter?


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