New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Managing Aging Parents Finances?

Ask HN: Managing Aging Parents Finances?
2 by ksj2114 | 1 comments on Hacker News.
My father has dementia and I have had to step in to manage his financial life, and there are a bunch of inconveniences with this process (nothing major, but certainly a hassle). Would love to hear if anyone is facing similar problems and what they've found works well Problem 1 - He lives across the country, so I am not in person with him / don't have access to his computer Problem 2 - He's constantly forgetting user ids and passwords and changing them (and increasingly accounts have 2FA), so if I want to monitor his accounts its very difficult / sometimes impossible to log in, and many services don't have "view only" access. I have joint access to some services / accounts but not others. Problem 3 - He's increasingly naive to scams (email, phone etc), which means that he either should not have access to all his accounts or I should be monitoring them closely (probably the former). Problem 4 - His balance of stocks / bonds / cash etc is likely not "optimal" for his age / health / expenses etc. Problem 5 - On various days he has varying levels of cognitive ability. On a bad day he will write someone a check and not know or remember why, on a good day he can create a new bank account or open a new credit card Problem 6 - There are a bunch of things I need to do for him / at least make sure are done - housing payments, taxes, random government payments (i.e., paying tickets), etc. Would love to hear if anyone has a process to help with this.


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