New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Browser setting/extension to stop page from changing layout as it loads?

Ask HN: Browser setting/extension to stop page from changing layout as it loads?
3 by AdmiralAsshat | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I get incredibly frustrated when I'm trying to interact with a page and try to click on something, only to have a box appear and push down the thing I wanted as I'm clicking on it. Sometimes this is because the page is still loading; more often the page builds dynamically as you scroll, and so it's impossible to fully load the page at the outset. I have adblockers installed, but this doesn't always prevent this scenario. I just want an internet-1.0 webpage where the "skeleton" of the page builds first and I can clearly see a carved out placeholder where an image/ad/whatever will be when it's done loading, so that it safely leaves the rest of the page alone. Any suggestions?


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