New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What would make a great developer-first social network?

Ask HN: What would make a great developer-first social network?
2 by dbish | 1 comments on Hacker News.
With many people I admire and follow in the tech community moving off Twitter, and a lot of the alternatives being clones that have mostly worse UX (looking at you mastadon), what would a developer/tech-first social network look like that was actually awesome to use? Things I would personally like: -deeper integration with github, seeing metadata from your github profile on your social network profile -easily embed code and context in the tweet equivalent. Would be awesome to have formatted, maybe even runnable, code snippets -twitter spaces for developers that includes code or screen sharing and ways to bring people "on stage" to not just talk but multiplayer control or share another window to the space to show what they're working on or explain a concept together and answer questions (twitch streaming with more dev focused integrations) What would you add?


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