New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Search engines for finding open source projects

Ask HN: Search engines for finding open source projects
2 by arboles | 1 comments on Hacker News.
If I want the computer do to something, before starting to write myself the program that does that, I like to search on GitHub for projects that already do what I want. Github search is not always great but with the right keywords... Finding a ready-made project saves my time, and I can still build on that project for the benefit of everyone. But what good is improving on that if no one can find it, and another one 'reinvents the wheel again' just as I was about to? Open source is great because it's great at combining the efforts of interested people. The thing is, searching GitHub misses a lot. A lot of great projects started or have moved to more Free source forges like, gitlab, codeberg, self-hosted stuff... How do I search all of those at once? Surely some exceedingly cool HNer has a search engine that aggregates all of that?


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