New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How has your experience been with tools like PostgREST/Hasura?

Ask HN: How has your experience been with tools like PostgREST/Hasura?
4 by dinkleberg | 0 comments on Hacker News.
These tools that can generate a server based on your database seem so promising from my experience playing with them, but I feel like what you gain in simplicity from the boring CRUD API is offset by increased complexity in the rest of your app. When you've got say an app built with Django using the rest framework, you have everything you need in one place. You can add any custom logic you want to the views because it is all right there. I'm wondering for those of you who have worked with these tools, how has it gone? Have you encountered any of these issues, or is it smooth sailing and they live up to the hype?


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