New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How to get back into tech after two years of absence because of burnout?

Ask HN: How to get back into tech after two years of absence because of burnout?
2 by tabs_or_spaces | 2 comments on Hacker News.
So I did not do anything coding or technical for the past two years because of severe burnout. Instead, I chose to become an engineering manager because it was a much different career path and this was really helping me get over the coding burnout that I've accumulated over the years. I feel that I'm at a stage of my life where I can code again and move back to the IC path. Not that I dislike management, I just like being an IC more. My technical skills are very rusty, like I can probably system design my way through but will struggle initially writing code again. But since that's my goal, I need a bit of advice in terms of how to "get back" into the industry after effectively being gone for 2 years as an IC? My current strategy is to do what I did before (choose a language, do leetcode, do sideprojects, join community, read books, etc, etc) but I'm confused about whether I should be specialising at my age or not? Specialisation for me means to either go into a specific industry (crypto, self driving, etc) or specialising like become a SRE, Data Engineer, etc. Personal context (if stats matters): 37 yrs, 15 yrs tech industry experience. Last language I used before burnout was Go.


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