New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Can you please help me support my tvguide project?

Ask HN: Can you please help me support my tvguide project?
2 by tux | 2 comments on Hacker News.
Hi I'm Tux, creator of TVNFO ( tvguide project, been around since may/2016. It's a curated and manually updated content. Currently I'm working on version 2 with more features, like Movies/Collages/Boxsets. It takes a lot of work, but I've been doing it mostly as a hobby. This is the first time ever I'm asking for donations publicly on HN. I could really use your help with donations. TVNFO never used any advertisments and most traffic is word of mouth users with little to no donations. With your help I can make public website more open to everyone to enjoy. If you are interested in this type of content please consider helping ( By making a donation you will receive full account with more features :) Comments are welcome but please be kind, this is the first time I ask for help on HN like this ^_^ Private email comments (in my HN profile page) are okay too. Thank you and happy holidays to everyone!


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