New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Bet on the Success of OpenAI/ChatGPT

Ask HN: Bet on the Success of OpenAI/ChatGPT
2 by smithcoin | 1 comments on Hacker News.
A friend of mine and I were debating the likely "disruptions" that ChatGPT will have in the coming years and how it will alter various industries. The timeline he suggested was 2 years. The questions I have are this: - What do you think is a reasonable litmus-test for measuring this? (e.g number of employed workers in AI) - He was willing to and I quote "bet my career" on the outcome of this. I have no need for his career. In the spirit of the bet what would you think is a prize that is worthy of this? (e.g something tongue in cheek like dinner at an AI powered White Castle[0]) I will be posting the bet on I have attempted to leave my position/bias out of this post in relation to the bet. [0]


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