New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What's the Future of Web3?

Ask HN: What's the Future of Web3?
3 by ahmedfromtunis | 1 comments on Hacker News.
There was a time, earlier this year, when everyone I knew was talking about NFTs and the decentralized internet. Companies, conferences and even VC firms specializing in the future of internet sprung everywhere, even here in my small north african country. Cryptocurrencies are, at least from what I can see, are losing steam. The collapse of FTX, and apparently other exchanges to follow, has proven to be shocking enough for some people to have second thoughts. In the midst of all of this, where does the web3 stand? I admit that I know so little about this new tech/paradigm that I have to google it whenever I have to speak about it, so maybe all of this has no impact? Does it even matter?


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