New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Tech Bloggers – what's more important – consistency or quality?

Ask HN: Tech Bloggers – what's more important – consistency or quality?
6 by skwee357 | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Hey Tech bloggers of HN! I'm trying to focus more on my technical blog about software engineering, and I was wondering, what is more important - consistency or quality? Based on my observations, if I produce quality content, this necessarily means that consistency suffers. On the other hand, I've heard that consistency is rewarded regardless of quality (assuming quality is not trash and occasional high quality content is published). What is your experience? And what are some other ways to reach a wider audience? Thanks! [Edit] - Just to clarify 2 things: 1. I'm primarily interested in opinions of people who own their content (i.e. publish on their own website) and not trying to beat some platform algorithm. and 2. When I say consistency - I still mean quality, but obviously when you post once a week, the quality will suffer as opposed to posting once a month for example.


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