New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Should I quit without a new job lined up?

Ask HN: Should I quit without a new job lined up?
10 by SoupDrinker | 14 comments on Hacker News.
I'm a junior software engineer, almost 1 year into a job at $Bank. This is technically my 3rd job, my first being at $CompetingBank for 2.5 years and the 2nd being at $Bank but in a different role. 2nd job sucked, was in meetings 5/8 hours of the day, wasn't allowed to do anything outside of the strict confines of JIRA tickets ( no improving the dev / QA experience for myself or anyone else ), stuck with a manager and co-workers who nit-picked my code apart and treated me ( I felt ) like an idiot. Ended up being very little actual engineering work but having to stretch that out over a 8-10 hour work day, which drove me insane. The happiest time I can remember there was having to cover for 2 people so I actually had things to work on the entire week. Transferred out into a new role which turned out to be the opposite; way too much work, little to no time, same pay ( that's now probably going to be cut because $Bank had a terrible year compared to last ). We're expected to put in 10-12 hr days to get our tickets done, while also being on support every other week, which might as well be a lost week cause that's all we're doing that week. I'm not learning anything from this role since the language is proprietary, I'm coming home having gotten nothing concrete done but feeling exhausted, and am starting to fall asleep later and later at night because I'm dreading having to get up and go back. Nothing I used to do feels fun anymore and I've started to stop caring, showing up late to meetings, etc. I'm smart enough to recognize that this is really bad, should I just get out before this gets worse? Every weekend I tell myself to apply to other job and every weekend I just can't build up the energy to do it.


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