New ask Hacker News story: Tell HN: Adblock rules to hide HN posts about Twitter & Musk

Tell HN: Adblock rules to hide HN posts about Twitter & Musk
8 by xvello | 3 comments on Hacker News.
For those who want some relief from the Twitter/Musk drama, here are three cosmetic filters to add to your custom uBlockOrigin / AdGuard rules: span.titleline > a:has-text(/\bTwitter\b/):upward(tr):remove() span.titleline > a:has-text(/\bMusk\b/):upward(tr):remove() + tr:not(.athing):remove() The first two ones remove the post title if it contains Twitter and/or Musk. The third one removes the second line and the spacer. I also hide some machine learning topics with these rules: span.titleline > a:has-text(/\bstable\Wdiffusion\b/i):upward(tr):remove() span.titleline > a:has-text(/\bdall-e\b/i):upward(tr):remove() I'll probably make that a configurable template for soon


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