New ask Hacker News story: Nick Tredennick Passes

Nick Tredennick Passes
2 by drallison | 1 comments on Hacker News.
July 29. Sue Tredennick, Nick Tredennick's wife, reports the sad news that Nick has died. Two days ago, Nick was riding his ATV from his office to the downhill barn. He had an accident and died. His Apple Watch called 911, but he was gone by the time the paramedics arrived, and the coroner believes that he expired immediately. He was always grateful for his career in a new and rapidly changing industry, and for the innovative people with whom he worked. Nick worked on a multiplicity of microprocessors, was a founder at Microprocessor Report, and was well known for his eloquently expressed and insightful contrarian views. Nick was a friend and colleague and will be missed.


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