New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Is top talent in software overrated?

Ask HN: Is top talent in software overrated?
5 by Victerius | 5 comments on Hacker News.
What do you think about this imaginary argument between an unnamed corporation and an unnamed engineer? "Software engineers ask for too much, and we will lower our salaries to line them up with the rest of the non-technical staff." "That's a stupid decision." "Why?" "Software engineers are less replaceable than non-technical staff and are the most important people in your company." "We do not share the belief that engineers are any less replaceable or more important than non-technical staff." "Then you will not attract top talent." "Top talent does not always chase the biggest paycheck. And we can do just fine without top talent." "Top talent will go to your competitors instead." "Top talent is overrated and will not give our competitors any meaningful edge. A team of ten average engineers can produce as much value as two self-claimed 'top engineers' for the same price." "What makes you think that top talent is overrated?" "Some engineers are better than others. We recognize that. But the top 20% of engineers is not that much better than the middle 60%. They do not produce significantly more code, or significantly better quality or scalable code. An average engineer can do almost anything a top engineer can, but for a much lower price. They cost-to-value ratio favors average engineers."


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