New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: E2E Encrypted Period Trackers?
Ask HN: E2E Encrypted Period Trackers?
7 by krinn_silver | 7 comments on Hacker News.
One sentiment from the recent Roe v Wade decision is that women should be careful about their data as law enforcement could use it to determine if they had an abortion. Period tracker apps are quite popular, and even a form of contraception [1]. They technically don't need to access the data (although they may wish to for analytics/monetisation), so it seems to me like a perfect candidate for E2E encryption. But I can't find any that advertise they use E2E encryption (just a vague "we encrypt your data" in their privacy statement). Is anyone working on this? [1]: Disclaimer: I'm a man, and I don't live in the US. My wife and I are just concerned onlookers.
7 by krinn_silver | 7 comments on Hacker News.
One sentiment from the recent Roe v Wade decision is that women should be careful about their data as law enforcement could use it to determine if they had an abortion. Period tracker apps are quite popular, and even a form of contraception [1]. They technically don't need to access the data (although they may wish to for analytics/monetisation), so it seems to me like a perfect candidate for E2E encryption. But I can't find any that advertise they use E2E encryption (just a vague "we encrypt your data" in their privacy statement). Is anyone working on this? [1]: Disclaimer: I'm a man, and I don't live in the US. My wife and I are just concerned onlookers.
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