New ask Hacker News story: Shell plugin I wrote writes your Git commands

Shell plugin I wrote writes your Git commands
4 by tom_doerr | 4 comments on Hacker News.
This shell plugin I wrote turns out to be really good at writing git commands. The git commands below are AI generated from the comments. ``` printcon-ml git:(master) # show the date the file was first added to the repo git log --diff-filter=A --follow --format="%ad" --date=short -- printcon-ml git:(master) # show the commit before the 2021-12-04 git log --before=2021-12-04 printcon-ml git:(develop) # show all git branches and their creation dates git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate --format='%(refname:short), %(committerdate:short)' refs/heads/ develop, 2022-04-28 multiprocessing_manager, 2022-04-28 master, 2022-01-11 plotting_upgrade, 2022-01-04 image_samples, 2022-01-03 label_output, 2021-10-12 percentages_output, 2021-08-10 add_model_argument, 2021-08-10 model_9, 2021-08-05 model_7, 2021-08-05 ``` [Zsh version]( [Fish version]( Any ideas for other difficult command line tasks that might profit from AI?


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