New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How do you manage dev db environment?

Ask HN: How do you manage dev db environment?
3 by markus_zhang | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Hi db experts, I'm curious how do you manage dev environments? Here is some background: - We use Vertica for prod/dev. Data team members share the same dev database. - We need to import data from prod to dev for testing frequently. At least a few times per Sprint per developer. - We don't control the databases. DBAs from HQ control them and the response time is from a few days to infinity. Here are the pain points: - If two or more developers are developing two different features for the same table, we have to make sure that neither breaks the table. - It's slow to import data from prod to dev. We tried vsql (the command line tool) and pandas and neither works great.


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