New ask Hacker News story: Apple Blocking Covid Apps

Apple Blocking Covid Apps
2 by tpennypacker | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Over the last week I’ve been working with a team around the clock to build an app to fight the spread of COVID. It’s a simple game that gives you incentives to stay at home throughout the day, and hopefully puts a smile on your face in an otherwise bleak time. Unfortunately, Apple has taken an isolationist stance to COVID, rejecting any and all apps that relate to it no matter how beneficial they are to the public. Developers around the world are beyond frustrated that their efforts to pitch in are being blocked. We’ve entered our app in one global hackathon (more to come soon) to gain publicity and hopefully catch Apple’s eye. I’m not usually one to solicit help, but liking our project devpost could actually going a long way towards flattening the curve. Go go go smash that mfing like button for the sake of the planet


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