Ask HN: Recommendations for applied engineering and math books for programmers? 2 by dr_kiszonka | 0 comments on Hacker News. I enjoy reading about engineering and math. Unfortunately, I always make simple arithmetic errors, so I never had the courage to take anything beyond calculus and linear algebra in college. (Decades ago, we had to calculate everything by hand.) Over the last few months, I noticed people on HN mentioning books and articles that introduce engineering methods, e.g., control systems, to programmers. This approach works well for me because IDEs and debuggers eagerly notify me about errors in my code. Can you recommend any good self-study books that: - introduce methods and concepts from engineering and math, - show you how to code them, - equip you with just enough intuition to let you apply the methods and to follow more advanced, traditional textbooks? Ideally, the books would: - be applied, - use free software, - not rely on custom packages written by the autho...